Differential Equations Manual

XROM  Function  Desciption
 Section Header
 Constants for "RK8"
 Constants for "RKV"
 Runge-Kutta 4th order formulae
 RK4 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 RK4 for Systems of 3 Differential Equations
 RK4 for Systems of n Differential Equations
 Runge-Kutta 6th order formulae
 RK6 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 RK6 for Systems of n Differential Equations
 Runge-Kutta 8th order formulae
 RK8 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 RK8 for Systems of n Differential Equations
 Runge-Kutta-Felhberg 4-5 method
 RKF for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 RKF for Systems of n Differential Equations
 RK4 for Systems of 2 Second order Conservative Eq
 RK4 for Systems of 3 Second order Conservative Eq
 RK4 for Systems of n Second order Conservative Eq
 Runge-Kutta-Verner 5-6 method
 RKV for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 Section Header
 Bulirsh-Stoer Method
 BST  for Systems of 2 Differential Equations
 BST  for Systems of n Differential Equations
 Stoermer's rule for Conservative 2nd-order Equation
 Section Header
 N-th order differential equations ( 4th order method )
 2-nd order differential equations ( 4th order method )
 3-rd order differential equations ( 4th order method )


Constants for "RK8"

 "C41" stores these 41 constants into registers R11 thru R51
 They are used by an 11-stage method of orde 8 ( RK8 )
  R11 = 0.8273268354 
  R12 = 0.
  R13 = 0.1726731646
  R14 = 9 
  R15= 14
  R16 = 0.25   
  R17 = 0.8961811934
  R18 = -0.2117115009
  R19 = 7
  R20 = 0.06514850915
  R21 = 0.5766714727
  R22 = 0.1855068535 
  R23 = 0.3865246267
  R24 = -0.4634553896
  R25 = 0.3772937693  
  R26 = 0.1996369936
  R27 = 0.09790045616
  R28 = 0.3285172131
  R29 = -0.3497052863
  R30 = -0.03302551131
  R31 = 0.1289862930 
  R32 = -0.01186868389
  R33 = 0.002002165993
  R34 = 0.9576053440
  R35 = -0.6325461607
  R36 = 0.1527777778
  R37 = -0.009086961101
  R38 = 0.03125  
  R39 = 1.062498447
  R40 = -1.810863083
  R41 = 2.031083139
  R42 = -0.6379313502
  R43 = 0.9401094520
  R44 = -2.229158210
  R45 = 7.553840442
  R46 = -7.164951553
  R47 = 2.451380432
  R48 = -0.5512205631
  R49 = 0.05
  R50 = 0.2722222222
  R51 = 2.8125


Constants for "RKV"

 "C51" stores 51 constants into R19 thru R69
 These constants are used by "RKV" & "RKVB" which employs an 8-stage method with order 5 with a 6th-order error-estimating formula.
  R19 =  1/18 
  R21 = -1/12
  R24 = -2/81
  R28 =  40/33
  R33 = -369/73
  R39 = -8716/891
  R46 =  3015/256
  R22 = 1/4
  R25 = 4/27 
  R29 = -4/11
  R34 = 72/73
  R40 = 656/297
  R47 = -9/4  
  R26 =  8/81
  R30 = -56/11
  R35 = 5380/219
  R41 = 39520/891
  R48 = -4219/78
  R31 = 54/11
  R36 = -12285/584
  R42 = -416/11 
  R49 = 5985/128
  R37 = 2695/1752
  R43 = 52/27 
  R50 = -539/384
  R44 = 0
  R51 = 0
  R52 = 693/3328 
  R20 = 1/18
  R23 = 1/6
  R27 = 2/9
  R32 = 2/3
  R38 = 1
  R45 = 8/9
  R53 = 1
  R54 = 3/80
  R62 = 33/640 
  R55 = 0  
  R63 = 0
  R56 = 4/25
  R64 = -132/325
  R57 = 243/1120
  R65 = 891/2240
  R58 = 77/160 
  R66 = -33/320
  R59 = 73/700
  R67 = -73/700
  R60 = 0
  R68 = 891/8320
  R61 = 0
  R69 = 2/35


Runge-Kutta 4th order formulae

-We solve    dy/dx = f(x,y)   with the initial value:   y(x0) = y0

RK4 uses the following formulae:

         k1 = h.f(x;y)
         k2 = h.f(x+h/2;y+k1/2)
         k3 = h.f(x+h/2;y+k2/2)
         k4 = h.f(x+h;y+k3)

  and then,   y(x+h) = y(x) + ( k1 + 2.k2 + 2.k3 + k4 ) / 6      This formula duplicates the Taylor series up to the term in h4

Data Registers:        •   R00:  f name                   ( Registers R00 to R04 are to be initialized before executing "RK4" )

                                   •   R01 = x0      •   R03 = h  = stepsize          R05 & R07: temp
                                   •   R02 = y0      •   R04 = N = number of steps
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.

     >>>>>       In other words, this subroutine has to change the stack from

      Y = y
      X = x        into       X' = f(x;y)
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)              ( The solution is y = exp ( -x2 ) )
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

  0     STO 01
  1     STO 02    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1    STO 03
10     STO 04    XEQ "RK4"   yields          x = 1                                 ( in 20s )
                                X<>Y                    y(1) = 0.367881                   ( the exact result is 1/e =  0.367879441 )

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 24 = 16 )

RK4B:  RK4 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

-"RK4B" solves   dy/dx = f(x,y,z)  ,   dz/dx = g(x,y,z)     with the initial values:    y(x0) = y0  ,   z(x0) = z0

-The preceding formulae are now generalized to a system of 2 differential equations:

                         k1 = h.f(x;y;z)                                             l1 = h.g(x;y;z)
                         k2 = h.f(x+h/2;y+k1/2;z+l1/2)                      l2 = h.g(x+h/2;y+k1/2;z+l1/2)
                         k3 = h.f(x+h/2;y+k2/2;z+l2/2)                      l3 = h.g(x+h/2;y+k2/2;z+l2/2)
                         k4 = h.f(x+h;y+k3;z+l3)                               l4 = h.g(x+h;y+k3;z+l3)

  then,   y(x+h) = y(x) + ( k1 + 2.k2 + 2.k3 + k4 ) / 6
   and   z(x+h) = z(x) + ( l1 + 2.l2 + 2.l3 + l4 ) / 6           duplicate the Taylor series through the terms in h4

Data Registers:              •   R00:  f name              ( Registers R00 to R05  are to be initialized before executing "RK4B" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h  = stepsize              R06 to R09: temp
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps
                            •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                      assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.

  >>>>>    In other words, this subroutine has to change the stack from

  Z = z
  Y = y       to     Y' = f(x;y;z)
  X = x               X' = g(x;y;z)
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h)
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 ; y'(0) = 0 ;  y'' + 2.x.y' + 2.y = 0   Evaluate y(1) and y'(1)            (  The solution is y = exp ( -x2 ) ;  y' = -2.x exp ( -x2 )  )

-This second order equation is equivalent to the system:             y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y    where z = y'
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U"  ASTO 00

 0      STO 01
 1      STO 02
 0      STO 03   and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1    STO 04
10     STO 05    XEQ "RK4B"   yields       x =  1                                        ( in 32s )
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.367881                            the exact result is  y(1) = 1/e =  0.367879441
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.735762                            the exact result is  z(1) = -2/e = -0.735758883

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.


-To obtain an error estimate, start over again with a smaller stepsize:
  when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 16

RK4C:  RK4 for Systems of 3 Differential Equations

-"RK4C" solves   dy/dx = f(x,y,z,u)  ,   dz/dx = g(x,y,z,u)  ,  du/dx = h(x,y,z,u)   with the initial values:    y(x0) = y0  ,   z(x0) = z0  ,  u(x0) = u0

Data Registers:          •   R00:  f name       ( Registers R00 to R06  are to be initialized before executing "RK4C" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R05 = h  =  stepsize              R07 to R11: temp
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R06 = N = number of steps
                            •   R03 = z0
                            •   R04 = u0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z;u) in Z-register , g(x;y;z;u) in Y-register and h(x;y;z;u) in X-register
                      assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register , z is in Z-register and u is in T-register upon entry.

      >>>>>    In other words, this subroutine has to change the stack from

  T = u
  Z = z                Z' = f(x;y;z;u)
  Y = y       to     Y' = g(x;y;z;u)
  X = x               X' = h(x;y;z;u)
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /       u(x0+N.h)
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h)
           X             /          x0+N.h


     dy/dx = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  with  h = 0.1   ( whence N = 10 )
     dz/dx = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1
     du/dx = x.y - z.u                u(0) = 2
  LBL "T"
  ST* Y
  ST+ L
  ST+ L
  ST* Y
  X<> Z
  ST+ Y
  ST* Z
  X<> T

 "T"   ASTO 00

  0     STO 01
  1     STO 02  STO 03
  2     STO 04
0.1    STO 05
 10    STO 06    XEQ "RK4C"   >>>>      x   =  1                         ( in 53 seconds )
                                                  RDN     y(1) =  0.258209
                                                  RDN     z(1) =  1.157620
                                                  RDN     u(1) =  0.842179

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.

RK4N:  RK4 for Systems of n Differential Equations

-"RK4N" solves the following system with the "classical" 4th order Runge-Kutta method.

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name        ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R10 thru R10+n are to be initialized before executing "RK4N" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions            R04 thru R09: temp
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps

                                      •  R10 = x0
                                      •  R11 = y1(x0)                                                                           R11+n thru R10+4n: temp
                                      •  R12 =  y2(x0)
                                          ...............         ( initial values )

                                      •  R10+n = yn(x0)
Flags:  F06-F07
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R11+n, ... , R10+2n  respectively
                        with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R10, R11, ... , R10+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h

Example:     Let's solve the system:

      dy1/dx = - y1y2y3
      dy2/dx =  x ( y1+y2-y3 )
      dy3/dx =  xy1- y2y3

   with the initial values:   y1(0) = 1 ; y2(0) = 1 ; y3(0) = 2

 x ; y1 ; y2 ; y3  will be in R10 ; R11 ; R12 ; R13 respectively, and we have to write a program to compute the 3 functions
 and store the results in R14 ; R15 ; R16   ( just after the "initial-value registers" ).

-For instance, the following subroutine will do the job - let's call it "T"
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 11
 03  RCL 12
 04  RCL 13
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 14
 09  RCL 11
 10  RCL 12
 11  +
 12  RCL 13
 13  -
 14  RCL 10
 15  *
 16  STO 15
 17  RCL 10
 18  RCL 11
 19  *
 20  RCL 12
 21  RCL 13
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 16
 25  RTN

We store the name of the subroutine in R00    "T"  ASTO 00

the numbers of equations in R01                      3    STO 01

then the initial values:

     x     in R10                      0 STO 10
     y1   in R11                      1 STO 11
     y2   in R12                      1 STO 12
     y3   in R13                      2 STO 13

-Suppose we want to know   y1(1) , y2(1) ,  y3(1)  with a step size h = 0.1 and therefore N = 10

    h is stored in R02                 0.1   STO 02
   N is stored in R03                 10    STO 03   and  XEQ "RK4N"

about 2mn24s later, the HP-41 returns:

             x  =  1                        in X and R10
        y1(1) =  0.2582093855  in Y and R11
        y2(1) =  1.157619553    in Z and R12
        y3(1) =  0.8421786516  in T and R13

-To continue with the same h and N, simply press R/S and you'll have y1(2) y2(2) y3(2)

-An estimation of the accuracy may be obtained by doing the calculation again with a smaller step size like h=0.05

 It yields:       y1(1) = 0.2582079989    y2(1) = 1.157623732    y3(1) = 0.8421783424

-Theoretically, the results tend to the exact solution as h tends to zero.

Runge-Kutta 6th order formulae

   dy/dx = f(x,y)   with the initial value:   y(x0) = y0

-The formula duplicates the Taylor series up to the term in h6
-Methods of this order require 7 stages ( 7 evaluations of the function f within each step)

Data Registers:                   •   R00:  f name                 ( Registers R00 to R04 are to be initialized before executing "RK6" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R03 =  h = the stepsize                   R05: counter
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R04 = N = the number of steps      R06 , ...... , R11 = k1 , ..... , k6

Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

  0     STO 01
  1     STO 02    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1    STO 03
10     STO 04    XEQ "RK6"   yields          x = 1                       ( in 84s )
                                X<>Y                    y(1) = 0.367879436    ( error =  -5 10-9 )

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 26 = 64 )

RK6B:  RK6 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

   dy/dx = f(x,y,z)  ,   dz/dx = g(x,y,z)     with the initial values:    y(x0) = y0  ,   z(x0) = z0

Data Registers:                 •   R00:  f name              ( Registers R00 to R05  are to be initialized before executing "RK6B" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h = stepsize                         R06 to R16: temp
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps
                            •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                      assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:          y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y    ;    calculate  y(1) and z(1)
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U"  ASTO 00

 0      STO 01
 1      STO 02
 0      STO 03    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1    STO 04
10     STO 05    XEQ "RK6B"   yields      x =  1                                ( in 2mn30s )
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.367879433             ( y-error = -9 10-9 )
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.735758865             ( z-error = 17 10-9 )

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 26 = 64 )

RK6N:  RK6 for Systems of n Differential Equations

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name       ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R20 thru R20+n are to be initialized before executing "RK6N" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions        R04 thru R13: temp        R14 thru R19: unused
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps

                                      •  R20 = x0
                                      •  R21 = y1(x0)                                                                           R21+n thru R20+8n: temp
                                      •  R22 =  y2(x0)
                                          ...............         ( initial values )

                                      •  R20+n = yn(x0)
Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R21+n, ... , R20+2n  respectively
                        with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R20, R21, ... , R20+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h


      dy/dx = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  with  h = 0.1   ( whence N = 10 )
      dz/dx = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1
       du/dx = x.y - z.u                u(0) = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 21
 03  RCL 22
 04  RCL 23
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 24
 09  RCL 21
 10  RCL 22
 11  +
 12  RCL 23
 13  -
 14  RCL 20
 15  *
 16  STO 25
 17  LASTX
 18  RCL 21
 19  *
 20  RCL 22
 21  RCL 23
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 26
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

 Initial values:

           0   STO 20
           1   STO 21    STO 22
           2   STO 23

 n = 3      STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 h = 0.1   STO 02
 N = 10   STO 03    XEQ "RK6N"  >>>>     x   = 1                     = R20                      ( in 6mn28s )
                                                       RDN    y(1) = 0.258207889  = R21                                                                         y(1) = 0.258207906
                                                       RDN    z(1) = 1.157623948  = R22         the exact results, rounded to 9D are          z(1) = 1.157623981
                                                       RDN    u(1) = 0.842178329  = R23                                                                         u(1) = 0.842178312

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h & N in registers R02 & R03 if needed )

Runge-Kutta 8th order formulae

-Methods of this order require 11 stages. The following one was discovered in 1972 by Cooper and Verner.
-The formula duplicates the Taylor series up to the term in h8
-"RK8" uses 41 coefficients which are of the form ( a + b 211/2 )/c  where a , b , c are integers.

-They are stored in registers R11 thru R51 by "C41"

Data Registers:          •   R00:  f name            ( Registers R00 to R04 are to be initialized before executing "RK8" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R03 =  h = the stepsize                      R05  to R10 and R52: temp
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R04 = N = the number of steps         R11 to R51: constants

Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

"T" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1  STO 03
10   STO 04    XEQ "RK8"   yields            x = 1                        ( in 2mn )
                              X<>Y                     y(1) = 0.3678794412   correct to 10 D!

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 28 = 256 )

RK8B:  RK8 for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

Data Registers:            •   R00:  f name         ( Registers R00 to R05 are to be initialized before executing "RK8B" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h = stepsize                         R06 to R17: temp    R59: counter
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps           R18 thru  R58 = the same 41 numbers used in "RK8".
                            •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y   ;    calculate  y(1) and z(1)
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02
 0    STO 03   and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1  STO 04
10   STO 05    XEQ "RK8B"   yields        x = 1                         in 3mn10s
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.3678794412   correct to 10D.
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.7357588824   z-error = -10-10

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 28 = 256 )

RK8N: RK8 for Systems of n Differential Equations

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name         ( Registers R00 to R03 & R50 to R50+n are to be initialized before executing "RK8N" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions        R04 thru R13: temp        R49: temp
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps                                                R14 thru R45 = Constants
                                                                                                                                   R46-R47-R48 are unused
                                      •  R50 = x0
                                      •  R51 = y1(x0)                                                                           R51+n thru R50+9n: temp
                                      •  R52 =  y2(x0)
                                          ...............         ( initial values )

                                      •  R50+n = yn(x0)

Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R51+n, ... , R50+2n  respectively
                               with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R50, R51, ... , R50+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h


       dy/dx = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  with  h = 0.1  and  N = 10
       dz/dx = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1
       du/dx = x.y - z.u                u(0) = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 51
 03  RCL 52
 04  RCL 53
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 54
 09  RCL 51
 10  RCL 52
 11  +
 12  RCL 53
 13  -
 14  RCL 50
 15  *
 16  STO 55
 17  LASTX
 18  RCL 51
 19  *
 20  RCL 52
 21  RCL 53
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 56
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

  Initial values:

      0   STO 50
      1   STO 51    STO 52
      2   STO 53

 n = 3      STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 h = 0.1   STO 02
 N = 10   STO 03    XEQ "RK8N"  >>>>      x   = 1                     = R50                      ( in 9mn31s )
                                                       RDN    y(1) = 0.258207906  = R51                                                                         y(1) = 0.258207906
                                                       RDN    z(1) = 1.157623979  = R52         the exact results, rounded to 9D are          z(1) = 1.157623981
                                                       RDN    u(1) = 0.842178313  = R53                                                                         u(1) = 0.842178312

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h & N in registers R02 & R03 if needed )

Runge-Kutta-Felhberg 4-5 method

-In this Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, a 4th-order formula is used to compute the solution
 and the difference between this 4th-order formula and a 5th-order formula provides an error estimate.

Data Registers:            •   R00:  f name          ( Registers R00 to R04 are to be initialized before executing "RKF" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R03 = h = stepsize                          R05 = error estimate
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R04 = N = number of steps             R06 thru R10: temp

Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

"T" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1  STO 03
10   STO 04    XEQ "RKF"   yields          x = 1
                              X<>Y                    y(1) = 0.367879263

and the error estimate    RCL 05      >>>       -9.7 10-8

-The error is actually  -1.8 10-7
-The successive errors are simply added to R05, so they are sometimes underestimated...
-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.

RKFB:  RKF for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

Data Registers:             •   R00:  f name                    ( Registers R00 to R05  are to be initialized before executing "RKFB" )

                            •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h = stepsize                         R06 = y-error estimate           R08 to R16: temp
                            •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps           R07 = z-error estimate
                            •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y   ;    calculate  y(1) and z(1)
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02
 0    STO 03    and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1  STO 04
10   STO 05    XEQ "RKFB"   yields       x  =  1                      ( in 2mn16s )
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.367879517
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.735759034

and the error    RCL 06     >>>    -8.7 10-8          actually   y-error =    7.6 10-8
 estimates:        RCL 07     >>>    -2.1 10-7          actually    z-error =  -1.5 10-7

-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.

RKFN:  RKF for Systems of n Differential Equations

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name       ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R20 thru R20+n are to be initialized before executing "RKFN" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions         R04 thru R14: temp        R15 thru R19: unused
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps

                                      •  R20 = x0                                         at the end:
                                      •  R21 = y1(x0)                                     R21+n = err(y1)                                      R21+n thru R20+8n: temp
                                      •  R22 =  y2(x0)                                    R22+n = err(y2)
                                          ...............                                      ......................

                                      •  R20+n = yn(x0)                                R20+2n = err(yn)

                   Where  err(yi) is an error-estimate of yi    ( during the calculations, these error-estimates are moved in registers R21+2n .... R20+3n )

Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R21+n, ... , R20+2n  respectively
                           with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R20, R21, ... , R20+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h


       dy/dx = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  with  h = 0.1  &  N = 10
       dz/dx = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1
       du/dx = x.y - z.u                u(0) = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 21
 03  RCL 22
 04  RCL 23
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 24
 09  RCL 21
 10  RCL 22
 11  +
 12  RCL 23
 13  -
 14  RCL 20
 15  *
 16  STO 25
 17  LASTX
 18  RCL 21
 19  *
 20  RCL 22
 21  RCL 23
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 26
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

 Initial values:

           0   STO 20
           1   STO 21    STO 22
           2   STO 23

 n = 3      STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 h = 0.1   STO 02
 N = 10   STO 03    XEQ "RKF"  >>>>      x   = 1                     = R20                      ( in 5mn40s )
                                                     RDN    y(1) = 0.258207319  = R21                                                              err(y) = -603 E-9 = R24
                                                     RDN    z(1) = 1.157624973  = R22                and the error estimates            err(z) = 1062 E-9 = R25
                                                     RDN    u(1) = 0.842178529  = R23                                                              err(u) = 1768 E-9 = R26

-Actually, the true errors are    -587 E-9  for y(1)     992 E-9  for z(1)   217 E-9  for u(1)

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h & N in registers R02 & R03 if needed )

RKS2:  RK4 for Systems of 2 Second order Conservative Equations

-"RKS2" solves the system:

     y" = f(x,y,z)         y(x0) = y0     y'(x0) = y'0
     z" = g(x,y,z)         z(x0) = z0     z'(x0) = z'0

 by the 4th order formulae:

   y(x+h) = y(x) + h ( y'(x) + k1/6 + 2k2/3 )
   y'(x+h) = y'(x) + k1/6 + 2k2/3 + k3/6                 where  k1 = h.f (x,y)  ;  k2 = h.f(x+h/2,y+h.y'/2+h.k1/8)  ;  k3 = h.f(x+h,y+h.y'+h.k2/2)

Data Registers:    •   R00:  subroutine name                         ( Registers R00 thru R07  are to be initialized before executing "RKS2" )

                               •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h = stepsize                         •   R06 = y'0          R08 to R13: temp
                               •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps            •   R07 = z'0
                               •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program which calculates f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /     z(x0+N.h)
           Y             /     y(x0+N.h)
           X             /       x0+N.h


     d2y/dx2 =  -y.z                  y(0) = 2    y'(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , y'(1) , z'(1)    with  h = 0.1  &  N = 10
     d2z/dx2 =  x.( y + z )         z(0) = 1    z'(0) = 1
  LBL "T"
  ST* Z

   "T"   ASTO 00

    0     STO 01              1  STO 06
    2     STO 02              1  STO 07
    1     STO 03
   0.1   STO 04
   10    STO 05

 XEQ "RKS2"  >>>>     x   =  1                                                                                                  ( in 41 seconds )
                         RDN   y(1) = 1.531358015     and   R06 = y'(1) = -2.312838895
                         RDN   z(1) = 2.620254480              R07 = z'(1) =  2.941751649

-With  h = 0.05  it yields   y(1) =  1.531356736      y'(1) = -2.312840085
                                        z(1) =  2.620254295      z'(1) =  2.941748608

-Actually, the exact results - rounded to 9D - are

      y(1) =  1.531356646      y'(1) = -2.312840137
      z(1) =  2.620254281      z'(1) =  2.941748399

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h/2 & N in registers R04 & R05 if needed )

RKS3:  RK4 for Systems of 3 Second order Conservative Equations

-"RKS3" solves the system:

     y" = f(x,y,z,u)         y(x0) = y0     y'(x0) = y'0
     z" = g(x,y,z,u)         z(x0) = z0     z'(x0) = z'0
     u" = h(x,y,z,u)        u(x0) = u0     u'(x0) = u'0

Data Registers:    •   R00:  subroutine name                         ( Registers R00 thru R09  are to be initialized before executing "RKS3" )

                               •   R01 = x0      •   R05 = h  = stepsize                        •   R07 = y'0
                               •   R02 = y0      •   R06 = N = number of steps            •   R08 = z'0
                               •   R03 = z0                   R10 to R17: temp                  •   R09 = u'0
                               •   R04 = u0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program which calculates f(x;y;z;u) in Z-register , g(x;y;z;u) in Y-register and  h(x;y;z;u) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register , z is in Z-register and u is in T-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /       u(x0+N.h)
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h)
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h


     d2y/dx2 = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1        y'(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  ,   y'(1) , z'(1) , u'(1)      with  h = 0.1  &  N = 10
     d2z/dx2 = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1        z'(0) = 1
     d2u/dx2 = x.y - z.u                 u(0) = 2       u'(0) = 1
  LBL "T"
  ST* Y
  ST+ L
  ST+ L
  ST* Y
  X<> Z
  ST+ Y
  ST* Z
  X<> T

 "T"   ASTO 00

  0     STO 01
  1     STO 02  STO 03  STO 07  STO 08  STO 09
  2     STO 04
 0.1   STO 05
 10    STO 06    XEQ "RKS3"  >>>>     x   = 1                                                                                             ( in 65 seconds )
                                                 RDN   y(1) = 0.439528419           y'(1) = -2.101120400 = R07
                                                 RDN   z(1) = 2.070938499           z'(1) =   1.269599239 = R08
                                                 RDN   u(1) = 1.744522976           u'(1) = -1.704232092 = R09

-With  h = 0.05  it yields

      y(1) = 0.439524393          y'(1) = -2.101122784
      z(1) = 2.070940521          z'(1) =   1.269597110
      u(1) = 1.744524843          u'(1) = -1.704234567

-Actually, the exact results rounded to 9D are:

      y(1) = 0.439524100          y'(1) = -2.101122880
      z(1) = 2.070940654          z'(1) =   1.269596950
      u(1) = 1.744524964          u'(1) = -1.704234756

-Press R/S  to continue the calculations ( after changing h & N in registers R05 & R06 if needed )
-The subroutine may be difficult to write, but "RKS3" is faster than "RKSN" below, for 3 equations.

RKSN:  RK4 for Systems of n Second order Conservative Equations

-"RKSN"  solves the system

  y"1 = f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn)               y1(x0) = y1,0     y'1(x0) = y'1,0
  ..................................                 ........................................

  y"n = fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)               yn(x0) = yn,0     y'n(x0) = y'n,0

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name       ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R10 thru R10+2n are to be initialized before executing "RKSN" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions         R04 thru R09: temp
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps

                                      •  R10 = x0
                                      •  R11 = y1(x0)                                  •  R11+n = y'1(x0)                                      R11+2n thru R10+6n: temp
                                      •  R12 =  y2(x0)                                 •  R12+n = y'2(x0)
                                          ...............                                      ......................

                                      •  R10+n = yn(x0)                              •  R10+2n = y'n(x0)

                                      ( during the calculations, y'i  are moved in registers R11+2n .... R10+3n )

Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R11+n, ... , R10+2n  respectively
                           with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R10, R11, ... , R10+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h


    d2y/dx2 = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1        y'(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  ,   y'(1) , z'(1) , u'(1)      with  h = 0.1  &  N = 10
    d2z/dx2 = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1        z'(0) = 1
    d2u/dx2 = x.y - z.u                 u(0) = 2       u'(0) = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 11
 03  RCL 12
 04  RCL 13
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 14
 09  RCL 11
 10  RCL 12
 11  +
 12  RCL 13
 13  -
 14  RCL 10
 15  *
 16  STO 15
 17  RCL 10
 18  RCL 11
 19  *
 20  RCL 12
 21  RCL 13
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 16
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

 Initial values:     0   STO 10

                         1   STO 11    STO 12    STO 14    STO 15    STO 16
                         2   STO 13

 n = 3      STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 h = 0.1   STO 02
 N = 10   STO 03    XEQ "RKSN"  >>>>    x   =  1                     = R10                                                                ( in 2mn19s )
                                                       RDN   y(1) = 0.439528419  = R11          y'(1) = -2.101120401 = R14
                                                       RDN   z(1) = 2.070938499  = R12          z'(1) =   1.269599239 = R15
                                                       RDN   u(1) = 1.744522977  = R13          u'(1) = -1.704232091 = R16

-Press R/S  to continue the calculations ( after changing h & N in registers R02 & R03 if need be )

Runge-Kutta-Verner 5-6 method

-All n stage explicit Runge-Kutta formulae with error estimate are determined by ( n2 + 5.n - 2 ) / 2 coefficients ai,j ; bi ; ci ; di

    k1 = h.f(x;y)
    k2 = h.f(x+b2.h;y+a2,1.k1)
    k3 = h.f(x+b3.h;y+a3,1.k1+a3,2.k2)
    .............................................................                                         (  actually,     ai,1 + ai,2 + .......... + ai,i-1 = bi  )

    kn = h.f(x+bn.h;y+an,1.k1+an,2.k2+ .......... +an,n-1.kn-1)

then,     y(x+h) = y(x) + c1.k1+ ................ + cn.kn    and the difference between the higher-order and the lower-order formulae gives an error estimate:

         err-estim =  d1.k1+ ................ + dn.kn

-"RKV" uses an 8-stage method with order 5 with a 6th-order error-estimating formula.

Data Registers:         •   R00:  f name                      ( Registers R00 to R05 are to be initialized before executing "RKV" )

                            •   R01 = x0                                    R05 = y-error                       R19 to R69 =  the 51 coefficients given by "C51"
                            •   R02 = y0                                      R06 to R10: temp
                            •   R03 = h = stepsize                        R11 to R18 = ki
                            •   R04 = N = number of steps

Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:   Our usual equation:   y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)  with  h = 0.1  and  N = 10
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

"T" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02
0.1  STO 03
10   STO 04    XEQ "RKV"   yields          x = 1                                    ( in 3mn56s )
                              X<>Y                     y(1) = 0.367879457

  and the error estimate         >>>          R05 = -13 10-9

-The error is actually  16 10-9
-Press R/S to continue ( after changing  h and N in registers R03 and R04 if need be ).

RKVB:  RKV for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

Data Registers:        •   R00:  f name                       ( Registers R00 to R06  are to be initialized before executing "RKVB" )

                            •   R01 = x0                                       R06 = y-error             •  R30 to R80 =  the 51 coefficients given by "C51"
                            •   R02 = y0                                       R07 = z-error
                            •   R03 = y0
                            •   R04 = h =  stepsize                        R08  to  R13: temp
                            •   R05 = N = number of steps           R14    to R21 = ki(y)       R22 to R29 = ki(z)

Flags: /
Subroutine:    a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                        assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y   ;    calculate  y(1) and z(1)  with  h = 0.1  and  N = 10
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02
 0    STO 03
0.1  STO 04
10   STO 05   XEQ "RKVB"   yields       x  =  1                      ( in 6mn34s )
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.367879378
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.735758757

and the error estimates    RCL 06  =    -85 10-9       actually    y-error =   -63 10-9
                                      RCL 07  =    153 10-9       actually    z-error =   126 10-9

-Press R/S to continue ( after changing  h and N in registers R04 and R05 if needed ).

Bulirsh-Stoer Method

-"BST" solves the differential equation   dy/dx = f(x,y)   with the initial value  y(x0) = y0
-It uses an extrapolation to the limit and the modified midpoint formula to compute y(x0+H)

                       z0 = y0
                       z1 = z0 + h.f(x0,z0)
                       z2 = z0 + 2h.f(x0+h,z1)
                       z3 = z1 + 2h.f(x0+2h,z2)                                     where  h = H/n
                       zn = zn-2 + 2h.f(x0+(n-1).h,zn-1)

    y(x0+H) ~  yn = (1/2).[ zn + zn-1 + h.f(x0+H,zn)

-The numbers yn are computed for n = 2 , 4 , 6 , ..... , 16  ( at most )  and the Lagrange extrapolation polynomial is used
  until the estimated error is smaller than a specified tolerance ( tol )

-If the estimated error is still greater than tol with  n = 16 ,  H is halved
-On the other hand, if the desired accuracy is satisfied with n < 8 , H is doubled
-Other ( and much better ) methods for stepsize control may be used ( cf "Numerical Recipes" )

-The Bulirsch-Stoer technique is quite similar to the Romberg integration:
  the modified midpoint formula is second-order only,
  but, for instance, with n = 16 and the deferred approach to the limit, we actually use a 16th-order method !

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                                 ( Registers R00 thru R03 are to be initialized before executing "BST" )

                                      •  R01 = x0      R04 = x1     R07 = h = H/n             R13 = next to last H
                                      •  R02 = y0      R05 = H     R08 to R12: temp        R14, R15, ........ , R21 = y-approximations
                                      •  R03 = tol     R06 = n = 2 , 4 , .... , 16

                          >>>>   where tol is a small positive number that defines the desired accuracy

Flags:  F09 - F10
Subroutine:  A program that computes  f(x,y)  assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /          y(x1)
           X            x1            x1

Example:     dy/dx =   x.(y/2)2           y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(2)  and  y(2.5)
  LBL "T"

 "T"  ASTO 00

  0  STO 01
  1  STO 02   and if we choose  tol = 10 -7   STO 03

  2  XEQ "BST"  >>>>        x   =  2                              ( in 1mn49s )                             y(1)  has been computed with  H = 1 , n = 10
                           RDN      y(2) =  2.000000018      the exact result is 2                         y(2)  ------------------------  H = 1 , n = 14

  2.5  R/S    >>>>       x    = 2.5                                   ( in 3mn17s )
                   RDN   y(2.5) = 4.571428682     the last 3 decimals should be  571            H = 1 has been replaced by  0.5  but the tolerance 10 -7  cannot be
                                                                      the error is 1.11 10 -7                               satisfied with this stepsize. So, H finally became 0.25 ( and n = 14 )

-In fact, the solution is  y = 1/(1-x2/8)   so we'd need to increase tol in R03 and smaller and smaller stepsizes as x get closer to sqrt(8)


-Do not choose a too small tolerance , it could produce  an infinite loop.

BST2:  BST  for Systems of 2 Differential Equations

-The same method is employed to solve the system

     dy/dx = f(x,y,z)
     dz/dx = g(x,y,z)       with initial values    y(x0) = y0  ,    z(x0) = z0

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                       ( Registers R00 thru R04 are to be initialized before executing "BST2" )

                                      •  R01 = x0      R05 = H                              R09 to R17: temp
                                      •  R02 = y0      R06 = x1                              R18 = next to last H-value
                                      •  R03 = z0      R07 = n = 2 , 4 , .... , 16      R19, R20, ........ , R26 = y-approximations
                                      •  R04 = tol     R08 = h = H/n                      R27, R28, ........ , R34 = z-approximations

                             >>>>   where tol is a small positive number that defines the desired accuracy

Flags:  F09 - F10
Subroutine:  A program that computes  f(x,y,z) in Y-register
                                                       and  g(x,y,z) in Z-register   assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /          z(x1)
           Y             /          y(x1)
           X            x1            x1

Example:    d2y/dx2 = -2y - 2x.dy/dx    y(0) = 1    y'(0) = 0       Calculate  y(1) and y'(1)        [ the exact solution is  y = exp ( -x2 ) ]

  This second-order equation is equivalent to the system

    dy/dx = z                      y(0) = 1
    dz/dx = -2y - 2x.z         z(0) = 0
  LBL "T" 
  RCL Z 
  ST+ X

 "T"  ASTO 00

  0  STO 01
  1  STO 02
  0  STO 03    and with  tol = 10 -7   STO 04

  1  XEQ "BST2"  >>>>        x   =  1                                     ( in 2mn08s )
                RDN                   y(1) =  0.367879446         the last decimal should be a 1
                RDN       z(1) =  y'(1) = -0.735758909        the last 3 decimals should be 882      z-error ~ 27 E-9  <  E-7

BSTN:  BST  for Systems of n Differential Equations

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name       ( Registers R00-R01-R02 and R20 thru R20+n are to be initialized before executing "BSTN" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions         R03 thru R18: temp        R19: unused

                                      •  R02 = tolerance = a small positive number that specifies the desired accuracy

                                      •  R20 = x0
                                      •  R21 = y1(x0)                                                                           R21+n thru R20+14n: temp
                                      •  R22 =  y2(x0)
                                          ...............         ( initial values )

                                      •  R20+n = yn(x0)
Flags:  F09-F10
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R21+n, ... , R20+2n  respectively
                           with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R20, R21, ... , R20+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /         y3(x1)
           Z             /         y2(x1)
           Y             /         y1(x1)
           X            x1            x1


       dy/dx = -y.z.u                    y(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , u(1)  with  a tolerance = 10 -7
       dz/dx = x.( y + z - u )         z(0) = 1
       du/dx = x.y - z.u                u(0) = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 21
 03  RCL 22
 04  RCL 23
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 24
 09  RCL 21
 10  RCL 22
 11  +
 12  RCL 23
 13  -
 14  RCL 20
 15  *
 16  STO 25
 17  LASTX
 18  RCL 21
 19  *
 20  RCL 22
 21  RCL 23
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 26
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

 Initial values:     0   STO 20

                         1   STO 21    STO 22
                         2   STO 23

  n  =  3     STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 tol = E-7  STO 02

    1   XEQ "BSTN"  >>>>    x   =  1                    = R20                      ( in 12mn06s )
                              RDN    y(1) = 0.258207909  = R21                                                                         y(1) = 0.258207906
                              RDN    z(1) = 1.157623986  = R22         the exact results, rounded to 9D are          z(1) = 1.157623981
                              RDN    u(1) = 0.842178304  = R23                                                                         u(1) = 0.842178312

-The long execution time is due to the fact that the method is first used with H = 1
  but the desired accuracy is not satisfied. So the stepsize is divided by 2.

-To compute  y(2)  z(2)  u(2)  key in  2  R/S   it yields              ( in 6m46s )

                y(2) = 0.106363294                                                 y(2) = 0.106363329
                z(2) = 3.886706181         the exact results are          z(2) = 3.886706159         ( rounded to 9D )
                u(2) = 0.196515847                                                 u(2) = 0.196515847


-The initial stepsize is always +/-1 ( line 03 )
-The modified midpoint rule ( and Richarson extrapolation ) are used with  h/2 , h/4 , h/6 , ..... , h/16 ( at most )  until the desired accuracy is satisfied.

Stoermer's rule for Conservative 2nd-order Equations

-"STRM" solves the differential equation     d2y/dx2 = f(x,y)     with initial values    y(x0) = y0  ,   y'(x0) = y'0
  where the first derivative does not appear explicitly.

-This kind of equations may be re-written as a system which could be solved by "BST2" but the following method is faster.

-Like "BST", "STRM" also uses the deferred approach to the limit but - instead of the modified midpoint method - the Stoermer's rule is employed:

    d0 = h.[ y'0 + (h/2).f(x0,y0) ]
    y1 = y0 + d0
    dk = dk-1 + h2f(x0+k.h,yk)                        dk = yk+1 - yk          k = 1 , 2 , ..... , n-1         h = H/n
    y'n = dn-1/h + (h/2).f(x0+H,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                       ( Registers R00 thru R04 are to be initialized before executing "STRM" )

                                      •  R01 = x0      R05 = H                              R09 to R14: temp
                                      •  R02 = y0      R06 = x1                              R15 = next to last H-value
                                      •  R03 = y'0     R07 = n = 2 , 4 , .... , 16      R16, R17, ........ , R23 = y-approximations
                                      •  R04 = tol     R08 = h = H/n                      R24, R25, ........ , R31 = y'-approximations

                          >>>>   where tol is a small positive number that defines the desired accuracy

Flags:  F09 - F10
Subroutine:  A program that computes  f(x,y)   assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /          y'(x1)
           Y             /          y(x1)
           X            x1            x1

Example:        d2y/dx2 = -y.( x2 + y2 )1/2         y(0) = 1  ,  y'(0) = 0       Evaluate  y(1) and y(PI)
  LBL "T"

"T"  ASTO 00

  0  STO 01
  1  STO 02
  0  STO 03    and with  tol = 10 -7   STO 04

  1  XEQ "STRM"  >>>>        x   =  1                                  ( in 53 seconds )
                              RDN      y(1) =  0.536630616         the 9 decimals are correct
                              RDN     y'(1) = -0.860171925         the last decimal should be a 7

 PI        R/S         >>>>        x   =  3.141592654                  ( in 2mn24s )
                            RDN    y(PI) = -0.411893053         the 9 decimals are exact
                            RDN    y'(PI) =  1.018399901         the last decimal should be a 3

2nd order differential equations ( 4th order method )

-"SRK4" solves the equation  y" = f(x,y,y')     with the initial values:   y(x0) = y0  ,   y'(x0) = y'0

Data Registers:           •  R00 = function name                        ( Registers R00 thru R05 are to be initialized before executing "SRK4"  )

                                      •  R01 = x0
                                      •  R02 = y0        •  R04 =  h = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = y'0       •  R05 =  m  = number of steps             R06 thru R10: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:       A program which computes  y" = f(x,y,y')  assuming  x , y , y'  are in registers X , Y , Z ( respectively )  upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /      y'(x0+m.h)
           Y             /      y(x0+m.h)
           X             /        x0+m.h

-Simply press R/S to continue with the same h and m

Example:     Let's consider the Lane-Emden equation of index 3     y" = -(2/x) y' - y3   with the initial values  y(0) = 1 , y'(0) = 0

-There is already a difficulty because x = 0 is a singular point!
-But if we use a series expansion, we find after substitution that  y = 1 + a.x2 + ....  will satisfy the LEE  if   a = -1/6    whence  y"(0) = -1/3

-So, we can load the following subroutine into program memory:
  LBL "T"
  GTO 00
  ST+ X
  LBL 00

-If we want to estimate y(1)  with a stepsize h = 0.1   ( whence  m = 10 )

  "T"  ASTO 00

   0   STO 01  STO 03             0.1   STO 04  = h
   1   STO 02                            10    STO 05

  XEQ "SRK4"   >>>>       x   =  1                            ( in 56 seconds )
                          RDN     y(1)  =  0.855057170
                          RDN     y'(1) = -0.252129561

-These new "initial" values are also stored in registers R01 R02 R03
-With  h = 0.05  and  m = 20 we would have found  y(1) = 0.855057539  &  y'(1) = -0.252129276

Notes:    The solution of the Lane-Emden Equation of index 3 looks like this:

    1|*                I
      |                  *
      |                              *
      |                                           *
      |                                                              *
      |-----------------------------------------------------------*x1-------- x
              y(x1) = 0  for  x1 = 6.896848619    and    y'(x1) = -0.0424297576
and there is an inflexion point I with  xI = 1.495999168 , yI = 0.720621687 and  y'(xI) = -0.279913175

-The solutions of the Lane-Emden Equations of index n   ( y" + (2/x).y' + yn = 0  ,  y(0)= 1 , y'(0) = 0 )
  can be expressed by elementary functions for only 3 n-values:

   a)  n = 0   y(x) = 1 - x2/6
   b)  n = 1   y(x) = (sin x)/x
   c)  n = 5   y(x) = ( 1+x2/3) -1/2

3rd order differential equations ( 4th order method )

-Likewise, "TRK4" solves the equation  y"' = f(x,y,y',y")     with the initial values:   y(x0) = y0  ,   y'(x0) = y'0  ,  y"(x0) = y"0

Data Registers:           •  R00 = function name                          ( Registers R00 thru R06 are to be initialized before executing "TRK4"  )

                                      •  R01 = x0
                                      •  R02 = y0
                                      •  R03 = y'0       •  R05 =  h  = stepsize
                                      •  R04 = y"0      •  R06 =  m  = number of steps             R07 thru R13: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:       A program which computes  y"' = f(x,y,y',y")  assuming  x , y , y' , y"  are in registers X , Y , Z , T ( respectively )  upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y"(x0+m.h)
           Z             /      y'(x0+m.h)
           Y             /      y(x0+m.h)
           X             /        x0+m.h

-Simply press R/S to continue with the same h and m

Example:      y"' =  2xy" - x2y' + y2   with  y(0) = 1 , y'(0) = 0 , y"(0) = -1

-We load, for instance:
  LBL "S"
  ST* Z
  X<> L
  ST+ X
  ST* T

-With  h =  0.1  and  m = 10

  "S"  ASTO 00

   0   STO 01  STO 03                  0.1    STO 05 = h
   1   STO 02  CHS  STO 04         10    STO 06

  XEQ "TRK4"   >>>>       x   =  1                            ( in 49 seconds )
                          RDN     y(1)  =  0.595434736
                          RDN     y'(1) = -0.776441445
                          RDN    y"(1) =  -0.791715205

-With  h = 0.05  and  m = 20,  we would find  y(1) = 0.595431304  ,  y'(1) = -0.776444326  ,  y"(1) = -0.791718300

N-th order differential equations ( 4th order method )

-The differential equation is now  y(n) = f(x,y,y',y",.....,y(n-1))     with the initial values:   y(x0) = y0  ,   y'(x0) = y'0  ,  ........  ,  y(n-1)(x0) = y(n-1)0

Data Registers:           •  R00 = function name           ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R09 thru Rn+9 are to be initialized before executing "NRK4"  )

                                      •  R01 =  n      ( order )
                                      •  R02 =  h =  stepsize                                        R04 thru R08 & Rn+10 thru R3n+9: temp
                                      •  R03 =  m  =  number of steps

                                      •  R09 = x0     •  R10 = y0     •  R11 = y'0    •  R12 = y"0   .....................  •  Rn+9 = y(n-1)0
Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which computes   y(n) = f(x,y,y',y",.....,y(n-1))   assuming  x , y , y' , y" , ........ , y(n-1)  are in registers  R09 R10 R11 R12 .... Rnn+9
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y"(x0+m.h)
           Z             /      y'(x0+m.h)
           Y             /      y(x0+m.h)
           X             /        x0+m.h

-Simply press R/S to continue with the same h and m

Example:      y(5) = y(4) - 2x.y"' + y" - y.y'   with  y(0) = 1 , y'(0) = y"'(0) = y(4)(0) = 0 , y"(0) = -1

-We load, for instance:
  LBL "W"
  RCL 14
  RCL 09
  ST+ X
  RCL 13
  RCL 12
  RCL 10
  RCL 11

-With  h =  0.1  and  m = 10

  "W"   ASTO 00                                                       and the initial values:     0  STO 09   STO 11  STO 13  STO 14
                                                                                                                     1  STO 10  CHS  STO 12
     5    STO 01        ( fifth order equation )
   0.1   STO 02        ( h )
   10    STO 03        ( m = 10 )

  XEQ "NRK4"   >>>>       x   =  1                      = R09                  ( in 2mn48s )
                          RDN     y(1)  =  0.491724880   = R10
                          RDN     y'(1) = -1.041200697   = R11       and     RCL 13 =  y"'(1)  = -0.479803795
                          RDN    y"(1) =  -1.163353624  = R12                  RCL 14 = y(4)(1) = -0.897595630

-With  h = 0.05  and  m = 20,  it yields:

     y(1) = 0.491724223 ,  y'(1) = -1.041200398 ,  y"(1) = -1.163353549 ,  y"'(1)  = -0.479804004 ,  y(4)(1) = -0.897594479


[1]  Abramowitz and Stegun , "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" -  Dover Publications -  ISBN  0-486-61272-4
[2]  Press , Vetterling , Teukolsky , Flannery - "Numerical Recipes in C++" - Cambridge University Press - ISBN  0-521-75033-4
[3]  F. Scheid -  "Numerical Analysis" - Mc Graw Hill   ISBN 07-055197-9
[4]  J.C. Butcher  - "The Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations" - John Wiley & Sons  -   ISBN  0-471-91046-5