
-A few programs that deal with ellipsoids, hyperellipsoids and elliptic or ellipsoidal functions.

-For the Earth, the geodesic distance is calculated with Vincenty's formula by "DGT2"
-A triaxial ellipsoid model of the Earth is also used with "DGT3" & "LOX3" for the geodesics & loxodromes,
 and with "GRV3" for the Earth gravity.

-The longitudes are positive East.
XROM  Function  Desciption
 Section Header
 Semi-axes of the Ellipsoidal Earth
 Abscissas of Gauss-Legendre 7-point formula
 Weights of Gauss-Legendre 7-point formula
 Jacobian Elliptic Function sn ( x | k^2 ) k < 1
 Reciprocal of Gamma Function
 Skips the next line if X almost equal to Y
 Conversion Geodetic Coord. -> Cartesian Coord.
 Conversion Cartesian Coord. -> Geodetic Coord.
 Conversion Ellipsoidal Coord. -> Cartesian Coord.
 Conversion Cartesian Coord. -> Ellipsoidal Coord.
 Distance from a Point to an Ellipsoid
 Gaussian & Mean Curvature on an Ellipsoid
 Geodesic Distance ( Vincenty Formula )
 Geodesic Distance on a Triaxial Ellipsoid
 Loxodrome on a Triaxial Ellipsoid
 Gravity on a Triaxial Ellipsoid
 Surface Area of an Ellipsoid
 Surface Area of a Hyperellipsoid
 Quadratic Hypersurface
 Ellipsoidal Wave Differential Equation ( RK6 )
 Ellipsoidal Wave Function ( Series )
 Carlson Elliptic Integral of the 1st kind
 Carlson Symmetric Elliptic Integral of the 2nd kind
 Carlson Elliptic Integral of the 3rd kind


Semi-axes of the Ellipsoidal Earth

 abcL is an M-Code routine that places in registers X Y Z T the semi-axes a b c of the Earth and the longitude of the equatorial major axis
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      -14.92911
           Z             /    6356.751868
           Y             /    6378.101946
           X             /    6378.171274

 I've chosen values given in reference [1] for the mean equatorial radius R = 6378.13661 km  and for the Earth flattening  f = 1 / 298.256421
 The difference a - b is about 69 km, so the decimals in a & b are somewhat arbitrary...

 a b c are expressed in kilometers
 The longitude L = -14.92911  is expressed in decimal degrees.     ( longitudes > 0 East )

 The previous content of the stack is overwritten.

Abscissas & Weights of Gauss-Legendre 7-point formula

-Two programs need to evaluate integrals and GX7 & GW7 returns the coefficients:

   1  XEQ "GX7"  ->  0.4058451514             the 1st abscissa is zero, so I didn't coded it
   2  XEQ "GX7"  ->  0.7415311856
   3  XEQ "GX7"  ->  0.9491079123

   0  XEQ "GW7"  ->  0.4179591837
   1  XEQ "GW7"  ->  0.3818300505
   2  XEQ "GW7"  ->  0.2797053915
   3  XEQ "GW7"  ->  0.1294849662

Jacobian Elliptic Function Sn ( x | k^2 ) k < 1

-The ellipsoidal wave function W(x) involves Sn(x)
-So I had to write a specific program to calculate this function.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y           k^2             /
           X             x    Sn ( x | k^2 )


    0.8   ENTER^
    0.7   XEQ "SNX"  >>>>  0.612365484                ---Execution time = 7s---


-Though it will not work if k = 1, it will with k2 = .9999999999

    .9999999999  ENTER^
             0.7            R/S        >>>>     0.604367777   which is actually  Tanh 0.7

-With k = 0 and x = 0.7  again,  it yields  0.644217687 = Cos 0.7

-Registers R19 thru R27 are used

Reciprocal of Gamma Function

-The program "SAHE" which calculates the surface area of a hyperellipsoid calls "1/G" as a subroutine
-"1/G" employs a continued fraction to evaluate 1 / Gamma(x)
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             x    1 / Gamma(x)


   PI  XEQ "1/G"  >>>>   0.437055717                                ---Execution time = 3s---
   -3      R/S         >>>>    0                                                   ---Execution time = 4s---
-4.16    R/S         >>>>   -4.696326589                                ---Execution time = 5s---

X#Y??  Skips the next line in a program if X almost equal to Y

-An M-Code routine to avoid infinite loops when the last results indefinitely alternates between 2 closed values.
-No check for alpha data

Conversion Geodetic Coordinates <> Cartesian Coordinates

-The formulae between the geodetic longitude l &  latitude b and the cartesian coordinates x , y , z
  of a point on a triaxial ellipsoid are given in references [2] & [3]

    x = w Cos b Cos l
    y = w ( 1 - e2 ) Cos b Sin l                       In fact   l + 14°92911  instead of l
    z = w ( 1 - e' 2 ) Sin b

  where    e2 = 1 - b2/a2    ,    e' 2 = 1 - c2/a2    ,     w = a / ( 1 - e' 2 Sin2b - e2 Cos2 b Sin2l ) 1/2

>>> Registers  R00 R01 R02 R03 must be initialized before executing "LB-XYZ" & "XYZ-LB"

      R00 = Longitude of the major equatorial axis
      R01 = a
      R02 = b
      R03 = c
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             z
           Y       l ( ° ' " )             y
           X       b ( ° ' " )             x

Example:     The Observatoire de Paris l = 2°20'13"8 E ,  b = 48°50'11"2 N

     XEQ "abcL"  STO 01  RDN  STO 02  RDN  STO 03  RDN  STO 00

    2.20138   ENTER^
   48.50112  XEQ "LB-XYZ" >>>>  x = 4016.633561 km            ---Execution time = 4s---
                                              RDN   y = 1248.421908 km
                                              RDN   z = 4778.596641 km
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             z             /
           Y             y      b ( ° ' " )
           X             x      l ( ° ' " )

Example:  the reverse transformation. Assuming x y z above are in X Y Z registers

                 R/S        returns            2.201380001                          ---Execution time = 2.5s---
                               X<>Y           48.50112000


-Of course, you can use your own values for a  b  c  L

Conversion Ellipsoidal Coordinates <> Cartesian Coordinates

-The conversion between Jacobi parameters ( u , v ) and cartesian coordinates is given by the formulae ( here we assume a > b > c and L = 0 ):

    x =  a / ( a - c )1/2 Cos u  ( a2 - b2 Sin2 v - c2 Cos2 v )1/2
    y =  b  Sin u  Cos v
    z =  c / ( a - c )1/2 Sin v  ( a2 Sin2 u + b2 Cos2 u - c2 )1/2
       STACK      INPUTS1    OUTPUTS1       INPUTS2     OUTPUTS2
           Z            /             z              z              v
           Y            u             y              y              v
           X            v             x              x              u

   u & v  are expressed in decimal degrees

Example:   The ellipsoid  x2 / 64 + y2 / 49 + z2 / 36 = 1              u = +120° ,   v = -70°

   8  STO 01
   7  STO 02
   6  STO 03

-Set the HP-41 in DEG mode:  XEQ "DEG"

   120   ENTER^
   -70   XEQ "UV-XYZ"  >>>>   x = -3.072524427                      ---Execution time = 3s---
                                       RDN    y =  2.073386929
                                       RDN    z = -5.247034535

-With these values in registers  X , Y , Z  ( RDN RDN )

   XEQ "XYZ-UV"  ( or simply R/S )  gives again  u = 120  RDN  v = -70 , in 4.6 seconds, with small roudoff-errors in the last decimals.


-These programs work in all angular modes.
-"XYZ-UV" does not check that ( x , y , z ) is on the ellipsoid.
-R00 is unused

Distance from a Point P to an Ellipsoid

 "DPE" calculates this value by using the parametric coordinates of the point P' on the ellipsoid (E) such that PP' is perpendicular to (E)

    x = a Cos U Cos V
    y = b Sin U Cos V
    z = c Sin V

 This leads to a 2x2 non-linear system which is solved by Newton's method.
 The successive U-values are displayed.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /            z
           Z            Z            y
           Y            Y            x
           X            X            D

     Where D = distance PP'   P(X,Y,Z)  P'(x,y,z)

Example1:   (E):   x2 / 49 + y2 / 36 + z2 / 25 = 1      P(10,11,12)

    7  STO 01
    6  STO 02
    5  STO 03

    12  ENTER^
    11  ENTER^
    10  XEQ "DPE"   >>>>    D = 13.23891299                      ---Execution time = 32s---
                                RDN     x =  3.896191634
                                RDN     y =  3.511764224
                                RDN     z =  2.948002121

Example2:      P(0.1,0.2,0.3)

     0.3   ENTER^
     0.2   ENTER^
     0.1      R/S    >>>>        D =  4.691015000                        ---Execution time = 53s---
                              RDN     x =  0.192100176
                              RDN     y =  0.575653468
                              RDN     z =  4.975042648


 "DPE" works well if P is outside the ellipsoid
 Otherwise, the results may be doubtful, for instance, with P(0,0,0) it yields D = 7  which is obviously wrong  ( D = 5 )

-You can store other initial values for U & V in R11 & R12  and press  XEQ 01  again

Gaussian & Mean Curvature on an Ellipsoid

 "ELKGM" returns the Gaussian Curvature KG in X-register and the mean curvature Km on a point P(x,y,z) on an ellipsoid x2 / a2 + y2 / b2 + z2 / c2 = 1


  KG =  1 / [ a2 b2 c2 ( x2 / a4 + y2 / b4 + z2 / c4 )2 ]

  Km =  - (1/2) Div n    where  n = ( x / a2 , y / b2 , z / c2 ) / ( x2 / a4 + y2 / b4 + z2 / c4 ) 1/2

  R00 is unused but a , b , c must be stored in R01  R02  R03  respectively before executing this routine.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z            z           KG
           Y            y           Km
           X            x           KG

Example:   Again with (E):   (E):   x2 / 49 + y2 / 36 + z2 / 25 = 1         P ( 3.896191634 , 3.511764224 , 2.948002121 )

    7  STO 01
    6  STO 02
    5  STO 03

    2.948002121  ENTER^
    3.511764224  ENTER^
    3.896191634  XEQ "ELKGM"   >>>>  KG =  0.025631779                        ---Execution time = 3s---
                                                        RDN  Km = -0.163109816


 The minus sign for Km could be replaced by a "+" ...

Geodesic Distance ( Vincenty Formula )

 "DGT2" uses an ellipsoid of revolution to evaluate the geodesic distance between 2 points on the Earth
  The forward and backward azimuths are also returned in Y and Z-registers.

  The method is iterative and it doesn't work for nearly antipodal points.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T       L1 ( ° ' " )     Az2 ( ° ' " )
           Z       b1 ( ° ' " )     Az2 ( ° ' " )
           Y       L2 ( ° ' " )     Az1 ( ° ' " )
           X       b2 ( ° ' " )        D ( km )

 where   Az1  =  forward azimuth  ( from P1 to P2 )
   and     Az2  =  back azimuth  ( from P2 to P1 )


   -77.0356    ENTER^
    38.55172   ENTER^
      2.20138   ENTER^
   48.50112  XEQ "DGT2"  >>>>    D   =  6181.621427 km                      ---Execution time = 46s---
                                           RDN    Az1 =  51°47'36"8132
                                           RDN    Az2 = -68°09'58"9654

-We also have  R06 = µ = azimuth at the equator = 37.74571892°

Geodesic Distance on a Triaxial Ellipsoid

 "DGT3" uses an approximate method to evaluate the geodesic distance between 2 points on the Earth
  The error is about a few centimeters for long geodesics, except for nearly antipodal points ( do not use this program in this case )

-Let a point P ( on the ellipsoid ) with ( OM , OP' ) = µ , ( OP' , OP ) = h    ,    P' = orthogonal projection of P on the plane (OMN)

    OP = x u + y v + z w       where  u = OM / || OM ||   ,  v = ON / || ON ||  ,  w = u x v          ( x = cross-product )

-We have, with R = OP

    x = R Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) / Sin W
    y = R Cos h Sin µ / Sin W
    z = R Sin h / Sin W

-Writing that P(X,Y,Z)  is on the ellipsoid  X2/a2 + Y2/b2 + Z2/c2 = 1,  we find that

  R / Sin W = 1 / ( A2 + B2 + C2 )1/2   with

      A = [ x1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + x2 Cos h Sin µ + ( y1z2 - y2z1 ) Sin h ] / a
      B = [ y1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + y2 Cos h Sin µ + ( z1x2 - z2x1 ) Sin h ] / b                       where  u ( x1 , y1 , z1 )  &  v ( x2 , y2 , z2 )
      C = [ z1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + z2 Cos h Sin µ + ( x1y2 - x2y1 ) Sin h ] / c

-We search an approximation of the function  h(µ) under the form:

   h(µ) = h1 Sin ( 180° µ / W ) + h2 Sin ( 360° µ / W ) + h3 Sin ( 540° µ / W )                 ( the first terms of a Fourier series )

-And the corresponding integral  s = §0W [ R2 Cos2 h  + R2 ( dh/dµ )2 + ( dR/dµ )2  ] 1/2

      =  ( Sin W )    §0W [ ( Cos2 h ) / T + (1/T) ( dh/dµ )2 + ( dr/dµ )2  ] 1/2 dµ    is evaluated by a Gaussian quadrature ( Gauss-Legendre 7-point formula )

  where   T = ( A2 + B2 + C2 )   with the same notations as in paragraph above:

    r = 1/sqrt(T)                  dr/dµ = r/µ + ( r/h ) ( dh/dµ )

    r = 1 / ( A2 + B2 + C2 )1/2   with

      A = [ x1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + x2 Cos h Sin µ + ( y1z2 - y2z1 ) Sin h ] / a
      B = [ y1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + y2 Cos h Sin µ + ( z1x2 - z2x1 ) Sin h ] / b                       where  u ( x1 , y1 , z1 )  &  v ( x2 , y2 , z2 )
      C = [ z1 Cos h Sin ( W - µ ) + z2 Cos h Sin µ + ( x1y2 - x2y1 ) Sin h ] / c

  the partial derivatives

  r/µ = ( -1/sqrt(T3) ) [ (A/a) { -x1 Cos h Cos ( W - µ ) + x2 Cos h Cos µ }
                                   + (B/b) { -y1 Cos h Cos ( W - µ ) + y2 Cos h Cos µ }
                                   + (C/c) { -z1 Cos h Cos ( W - µ ) + z2 Cos h Cos µ } ]

  r/h = ( -1/sqrt(T3) ) [ (A/a) { -x1 Sin h Sin ( W - µ ) - x2 Sin h Sin µ + ( y1z2 - y2z1 ) Cos h }
                                    + (B/b) { -y1 Sin h Sin ( W - µ ) - y2 Sin h Sin µ + ( z1x2 - z2x1 ) Cos h }
                                    + (C/c) { -z1 Sin h Sin ( W - µ ) - z2 Sin h Sin µ + ( x1y2 - x2y1 ) Cos h } ]

-With  H = W / 1000  , we calculate the following lengths

    A = f(0,0,0)
    B = f(H,0,0)
    C = f(-H,0,0)
    D = f(0,H,0)                     f = length s corresponding to h1 = -H , 0 , +H ;  h2 = -H , 0 , +H ;  h3 = -H , 0 , +H
    E = f(0,-H,0)
    F = f(0,0,H)
    G = f(0,0,-H)

-Then, the extremum is estimated by the formula:

   s ~ A - (B-C)2 / [ 8.(B+C-2.A) ] - (D-E)2 / [ 8.(D+E-2.A) ] - (F-G)2 / [ 8.(F+G-2.A) ]

Flags:  F00-F01-F02-F04

   CF 00  abcL is called to store a b c L in registers R01-R02-R03-R00
   SF 00:  you have to initialize R00-R01-R02-R03

   CF 01  CF 02  3 terms in the Fourier series:
   CF 01  SF 02   2 terms in the Fourier series:
   SF 01               1 term in the Fourier series:

   SF 04   geocentric longitudes and latitudes
   CF 04  geodetic longitudes and latitudes
           T       l1 ( ° ' " )       D0 ( km )       D0 ( km )       D0 ( km )
           Z       b1 ( ° ' " )       D1 ( km )       D0 ( km )       D0 ( km )
           Y       l2 ( ° ' " )       D2 ( km )       D1 ( km )       D0 ( km )
           X       b2 ( ° ' " )       D3 ( km )       D2 ( km )       D1 ( km )

Example1:      Geodesic distance between the U.S. Naval Observatory at Washington (D.C.)

   l1 = 77°03'56"0 W ,  b1 = 38°55'17"2 N   and Cape Town Observatory ( South Africa )
   l2 = 18°28'35"7 E  ,  b2 = 33°56'02"5 S

    CF 01  CF 02  CF 04

  -77.0356    ENTER^
   38.55172   ENTER^
   18.28357   ENTER^
  -33.56025  XEQ "DGT3"  >>>>   D3 =  12709.47906 km = R33                        ---Execution time = 5m46s---
                                            RDN    D2 = 12709.47906 km
                                            RDN    D1 = 12709.48047 km
                                            RDN    D0 = 12709.48074 km = R21

Example2:    With ( -40° , -40° ) ( +120° , +50° ) it yields:

  •  If  CF 01  CF 02  CF 04   we get:

                     D3 =  18095.49323 km
         RDN    D2 = 18095.49323 km
         RDN    D1 = 18095.49858 km
         RDN    D0 = 18095.55363 km

  •  If  CF 01  CF 02  SF 04   we get:

                     D3 =  18099.69052 km
         RDN    D2 = 18099.69052 km
         RDN    D1 = 18099.69587 km
         RDN    D0 = 18099.75037 km

Example3:     On the ellipsoid    x2 / 41 + y2 / 37 + z2 / 35 = 1              the geocentric coordinates of the 2 points are:

    l1 =  9°17'35"55660                 l2 = 63°20'07"3683
    b1 = -8°11'55"79344                b2 = 57°46'42"9935

    0   STO 00

   41  SQRT  STO 01
   37  SQRT  STO 02
   35  SQRT  STO 03

    SF 00   CF 01  CF 02  SF 04

    9.173555660  ENTER^
  -8.115579344  ENTER^
   63.20073683  ENTER^
   57.46429935  XEQ "DGT3"  >>>>   D3 = 8.594823580
                                                 RDN    D2 = 8.594824326
                                                 RDN    D1 = 8.594849588
                                                 RDN    D0 = 8.594880192

-The exact value: about  8.594822580 whence an error of  E-6 with D3


-On the Earth, the maximum error given by D0 is of the same order as Andoyer's first order formula for an ellipsoid of revolution i-e about 60 meters.

-For the Earth, the difference between D2 & D3 is often negligible
-So, you can set F02 without a great loss of precision.

    SF 02  ->  Exectution time = 4m05s
    SF 01  ->  Execution time =  2m29s

Loxodrome on a Triaxial Ellipsoid

-Let  r = semi-major axis of a parallel and  rm the radius of curvature of the meridian at the point P(L,B)  L = geodetic longitude B = geodetis latitude.

     r2 = b2 + ( a2 - b2 ) / [ 1 + (b2/a2) Tan2 L ]
   rm2 = c2 / { r [ 1 - ( 1 - b2/a2 ) Sin2 B ]3/2 }

-Let  a' & b'  the semi-axes of this meridian

    a' = ( a Cos B ) / [ 1 - ( 1 - c2/a2 ) Sin2 B ]1/2
    b' = ( b Cos B ) / [ 1 - ( 1 - c2/b2 ) Sin2 B ]1/2

-Let r'm = the radius of curvature of the parallel

    r'm2 = b'2 / { a' [ 1 - ( 1 - b'2/a'2 ) Sin2 L ]3/2 }

-Then  the azimuth µ of the loxodrome verifies

        rm Tan µ dB =  r'm dL
        ( Cos µ ) ds =  rm dB

-Since r & r'm depend on L and L is an unknown function of B, we could solve a differential equation to find Tan Az
-But the eccentricity of the equator is very small, and L only appears in a corrective term,
  so we can use the expression L(B) valid for an ellipsoid of revolution

     L - L1 =  ( Tan µ ).{ Ln [ ( Tan ( 45° + B/2 ) ) / (Tan  ( 45° + B1/2 ) ) ] - (e/2).Ln [ ( 1 + e.sin B ).( 1 - e.sin B1 )/( 1 - e.sin B )/( 1 + e.sin B1 ) ] }

Flag:  F00

   CF 00  abcL is called to store a b c L in registers R01-R02-R03-R00
   SF 00:  you have to initialize R00-R01-R02-R03
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T       L1 ( ° ' " )             /
           Z       b1 ( ° ' " )             /
           Y       L2 ( ° ' " )        µ ( ° ' " )
           X       b2 ( ° ' " )        D ( km )


   -77.03560  ENTER^
    38.55172  ENTER^
      2.20138  ENTER^
    48.50112  XEQ "LOX3"  >>>>   D = 6453.471591 km                          ---Execution time = 2m40s---
                                            X<>Y   µ  = 80°10'15"8102


   0   ENTER^
   0   ENTER^
  70  ENTER^
   0      R/S       >>>>  D = 7792.380608 km                          ---Execution time = 14s---
                       X<>Y   µ = 90°


   0  ENTER^
   0  ENTER^
   0  ENTER^
  80    R/S       >>>>  D = 8885.152534 km                          ---Execution time = 15s---
                       X<>Y  µ = 0°


-Due to roundoff errors, there is a loss of significant digits if the 2 latitudes are very close but not equal.
-If the latitudes are equal , µ = +/- 90° and if the longitudes are equal , µ = 0 or 180° so the program is much faster
-The azimuths are measured clockwise from North.

Gravity on a Triaxial Ellipsoid

-In reference [5], M. Caputo gives a generalization of Somigliana's formula that also works for triaxial ellipsoids.

      x2/a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2 = 1

-The unique assumption is that the gravity vector must always be normal to the ellipsoid:
-In other words, the ellipsoid is an equipotential surface.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z         L ( ° ' " )          g(0)
           Y         B ( ° ' " )          g(0)
           X          h ( m )          g(h) 

Example1:     L =  77°03'56" W ,  B = 38°55'17"2 N ,   h = 67m                ( U.S. Naval Observatory , Washington D.C. )

 -77.0356    ENTER^
  38.55172   ENTER^
       67         XEQ "GRV3"  >>>>   g(67) = 9.800516275  m/s2                                  ---Execution time = 5s---
                                           X<>Y   g(0)  = 9.800723034  m/s2

Example2:     L = 116°51'50"4 W ,    B = 33°21'22"4 N    h = 1706 m                ( Mount Palomar Observatory )

 -116.51504    ENTER^
   33.21224      ENTER^
      1706            R/S     >>>>   g(1709) = 9.790660012  m/s2                                      ---Execution time = 5s---
                                    X<>Y      g(0)    = 9.795923287  m/s2


-The longitudes are positive East.

-The formula is rigorous if h = 0 but only approximate otherwise.
-So, this program should not be used for large h-values.

-Unfortunately, the Earth gravitational field is much more complex than that of a triaxial ellipsoid,
 so this program only gives slightly better results than the classical Somigliana's formula.

Surface Area of an Ellipsoid

-"SAE" uses a Carlson elliptic integral of the second kind ( namely, RG ) and we have:

    Area = 4.PI.RG( a2b2 , a2c2 , b2c2 )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             a             /
           Y             b             /
           X             c         Area


    2  ENTER^
    4  ENTER^
    9  XEQ "SAE"  >>>>   Area =  283.4273840                                   ---Execution time = 42s---

Surface Area of a Hyperellipsoid

-"SAHE" employs the method described in reference [6].
-With minor modifications and a few simplifications, it yields:

  A =  [ a2 ........ aN / Gamma((N+1)/2) ]   §01  f(u) du

       with     f(u) = (1-u)(N-1)/2 u -1/2  [ 1 + SUMi=2,...,N (a12/ai2/bi) ] ( b2 .....  bN ) -1/2        where        bi  =  1 - u + u (a12/ai2)

-To remove the singularities for u = 0 & u = 1 , we can use the change of variable  u = Sin2 v  and apply a Gauss-Legendre formula.
-In reference [6] , the authors employ another change of variable and the Romberg method.

-"SAHE" uses a Gauss-Chebyshev formula, namely:

     §01  [ (1-x) / x ]1/2  g(x) dx  =  SUMi=1,2,...,n  wi g(xi)

-Unlike many Gaussian formulae, the abscissas & weights may be easily calculated:

    xi =  Sin2 [ (2i-1) / (2n+1) ] PI/2    &   wi = [ 2.PI / (2n+1) ] Cos2 [ (2i-1) / (2n+1) ] PI/2

-So, we can choose n large enough to get an almost perfect accuracy.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = N < 11                      ( Registers R00 thru RNN are to be initialized before executing "SAHE" )

                                      •  R01 = a1         •  R02 = a2    .......................      •  RNN = aN
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             n            An

  where   n = number of points in the Gauss-Chebyshev formula
   and    An = corresponding approximation of the area

Examples:          N = 5  ,   semi-axes =  4  5  6  7  8

   5  STO 00

   4  STO 01
   5  STO 02
   6  STO 03
   7  STO 04
   8  STO 05

-With  n = 30  ,   30   XEQ "SAHE"  >>>>  A =  31971.28857           ---Execution time = 137s---
-With  n = 40  ,   40           R/S          >>>>  A =  31971.28859           ---Execution time = 181s---

Quadratic Hypersurface

-"QHS" reduces the cartesian equation of a quadratic hypersurface (QHS) in a n-dimensional space  ( n > 1 )
-So, it can be used for ellipsoids or hyperellipsoids, but also for more general quadratic surfaces.

-Given    (QHS):  a11 x12 + a22 x22 + .............. + ann xn2 + Sum i < j  ai j xi xj  +  b1 x1 + b2 x2 + ............. + bn xn =  c

    the elements  ai j ( i < j ) are gradually zeroed by the Jacobi's iterative method.

-When all these elements are smaller than 10 -8 , the quadratic form is diagonalized.
-Then several translations and/or rotations are performed to reduce the equation further.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n                      ( All these registers are to be initialized before executing "QHS"  )

           I              •  R01 = a11    • Rn+1 = a1,2   • R2n    = a2,3   ..................................  • R(n2+n)/2 = an-1,n       • R(n2+n)/2+1 = b1        • R(n2+3n)/2+1 = c
          N             •  R02 = a22    • Rn+2 = a1,3   • R2n+1 = a2,4     ...................                                                    • R(n2+n)/2+2 = b2
          P                ...............         .................      ...................                                                                               ........................
          U               ...............         .................    • R3n-2 = a2,n
          T               ................      • R2n-1 = a1,n
          S              •  Rnn = ann                                                                                                                              • R(n2+3n)/2 = bn


                When the program stops:

                                       R00 = n
          U              R01 = a'11      Rn+1 =  b'1       R2n+1 = c'
          T               R02 = a'22      Rn+2 =  b'2
          P              ...............         .................
          S               Rnn = a'nn      R2n =   b'n

The reduced equation is:    (QHS):  a'11 X12 + a'22 X22 + .............. + a'nn Xn2  + b'1 X1 + b'2 X2 + ............. + b'n Xn =  c'

 where   b'i  = 0  if  a'ii # 0  and  c' = 0 or 1
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /        bbb.eee'
           X             /          1.eee

   Where  1.eee = control number of the reduced equation
     and   bbb.eee' = -------------------  eigenvalues

Example:    (QHS):  3 x2 + 4 y2 + 7 z2 + 6 t2 + 9 x.y + 3 x.z + 7 x.t + 4 y.z + 8 y.t + 2 z.t + 9 x + 2 y + 5 z + 4 t = 10  in a 4-dimensional space.

       SIZE 016  or greater

   4  STO 00  and we store these ( n2+3n+2 )/2 = 15 coefficients as shown below:

           3     9     4      2       9       10                      R01     R05     R08     R10       R11       R15
           4     3     8               2                     in          R02     R06     R09                  R12                     respectively
           7     7                      5                                  R03     R07                             R13
           6                             4                                  R04                                         R14

 XEQ "QHS"  the HP-41 displays the successive greatest  | ai j |  ( which tend to zero )  and when the program stops,

         X = 1.009   &   Y = 10.013                                               ---Execution time = 2mn19s---

         R01 =  -0.209131158     R05 = 0      R09 = 1
         R02 =   0.297006169     R06 = 0
         R03 =   1.235467092     R07 = 0
         R04 =   2.716166061     R08 = 0

  So, the reduced equation is   -0.209131158 X2 +  0.297006169 Y2 + 1.235467092 Z2 + 2.716166061 T2 = 1

-And we find the eigenvalues in R10 thru R13, namely:



-Register P is used, so don't interrupt this program.
-For n = 7 , the execution time is of the order of  18 minutes.
-Since "QHS is executed from a module, n could reach 23.

Ellipsoidal Wave Differential Equation ( RK6 )

 "EWF" uses a Runge-Kutta-Nystrom method of order 6 to solve the differential equation:

      W''(x) = W(x) [ -h + n(n+1) k2 Sn2 (x) - q k4 Sn4 (x) ]     where  Sn (x) is a Jacobian elliptic function.

Data Registers:              R00 = temp           ( Registers R01 thru R09 are to be initialized before executing "EWF" )

                                      •  R01 = h                •  R05 = x0           •  R08 = H = stepsize          R10 to R14: temp         R19 to R27: used by "SNX"
                                      •  R02 = n                •  R06 = W(x0)     •  R09 = N = nb of steps     R15 to R18: unused
                                      •  R03 = k2 < 1        •  R07 = W'(x0)
                                      •  R04 = q
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "SNX"
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /   W'(x0 + N.H)
           Y             /   W(x0 + N.H)
           X             /      x0 + N.H

Example:    h = 1.2    n = 1.7   k2 = 0.8   q = sqrt(2)     W(0) = 1   W'(0) = 0

    1.2  STO 01                       0  STO 05
    1.7  STO 02                       1  STO 06
    0.8  STO 03                       0  STO 07
      2   SQRT  STO 04

-If you want to compute W(1) with  H = 0.1 and therefore,  N = 10

    0.1  STO 08
    10   STO 09

    XEQ "EWF"  >>>>      X   =  1
                          RDN   W(1) =  0.640627307                                    ---Execution time = 7m15s---
                          RDN  W'(1) = -0.401079727

-Simply press R/S to continue with the same parameters, it yields:

               W(2) = 0.542730302
              W'(2) = 0.260776593


-Though "EWF" doesn't work if k2 = 1 , it will work with k2 = .9999999999 and the difference will be negligible.

Ellipsoidal Wave Function ( Series )

-"EWF2" is less general than "EWF".
-The solution is of the form  W(x) = 1 + A1 t + A2 t2 + ............. + Am tm + ................

     where  t = Sn2 (x)

-This leads to the recurrence relation

     ( 2m+1 ) (2m+2 ) Am+1 = - q k4 Am-2 + Am-1 k2 [ n(n+1) - 2 ( m-1 ) ( 2m - 1 ) ] + Am [ - h + 4 m2 ( k2 + 1 ) ]

Data Registers:              R00 = x                 ( Registers R01 thru R04 are to be initialized before executing "EWF" )

                                      •  R01 = h                R05 to R13: temp
                                      •  R02 = n
                                      •  R03 = k2 < 1        R10 = t = Sn2 (x)   R12 = Sum
                                      •  R04 = q
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "SNX"
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             x          W(x)

Example:             h = 1.2    n = 1.7   k2 = 0.8   q = sqrt(2)

    1.2  STO 01
    1.7  STO 02
    0.8  STO 03
      2   SQRT  STO 04    and to calculate  W(1)

      1   XEQ "EWF2"  >>>>   W(1) = 0.640627308                                    ---Execution time = 79s---

-In this example, "EWF2" is faster than "EWF", but it's not always the case...
-For instance, W(2) = 0.542730301  is returned after a very long time.

-Though "EWF" doesn't work if k2 = 1 , it will work with k2 = .9999999999 and the difference will be negligible.

Carlson Elliptic Integral of the 1st kind

-Carlson has given a new definition of a standard elliptic integral of the first kind:

       RF(x;y;z) =  (1/2) §0infinity  ( ( t + x ).( t + y ).( t + z ) ) -1/2 dt           with  x , y , z  non-negative and at most one is zero

-This program uses the following property:

      RF(x;y;z) = RF((x+L)/4;(y+L)/4;(z+L)/4)  where  L = x1/2y1/2 + x1/2z1/2 + y1/2z1/2

-This transformation is performed until  x , y , z are close enough to apply  RF(x;y;z) = µ -1/2   with  µ = (x+y+z)/3     ( we have  RF(x;x;x) = x -1/2 )
          Z            z           /
          Y            y           /
          X            x     RF(x;y;z)


    4  ENTER^
    3  ENTER^
    2  XEQ "RF"  >>>>  RF(2;3;4) = 0.584082842                                   ---Execution time = 8s---

Symmetric Carlson Elliptic Integral of the 2nd kind

  RG(x;y;z) =  (1/4)  §0infinity  ( ( t + x ).( t + y ).( t + z ) ) -1/2 .( x/(t+x) + y/(t+y) + z/(t+z) )  t.dt

And we have:  2.RG(x;y;z) = z.RF(x;y;z) - (x-z)(y-z)/3 RD(x;y;z) + ( x.y/z )1/2
          Z            z           /
          Y            y           /
          X            x     RG(x;y;z)


    4  ENTER^
    3  ENTER^
    2  XEQ "RG"  >>>>  RG(2;3;4) = 1.725503028                                   ---Execution time = 40s---


-If  one of the arguments is zero, do not place it in  Z-register ( there would be a DATA ERROR )

Carlson Elliptic Integral of the 3rd kind

-The elliptic integral of the third kind is defined by

   RJ(x;y;z;p) =  (3/2)  §0infinity  ( t + p ) -1  ( ( t + x ).( t + y ).( t + z ) ) -1/2  dt        with  x , y , z  non-negative and at most one is zero    p > 0

-We have  RJ(x,x,x,x) = x -3/2
-"RJ" applies  RJ(x;y;z;p) = 3 Sumn=0,1,2,....,k  RF(an,bn,bn)/4n + 1/(4k+1µ 3/2)

  where   x0 = x , y0 = y , z0 = z , p0 = p        ;      xn+1 = ( xn+ Ln )/4 , yn+1 = ( yn+ Ln )/4 , zn+1 = ( zn + Ln )/4 , pn+1 = ( pn +Ln )/4

    with    Ln = xn1/2yn1/2 + xn1/2zn1/2 + yn1/2zn1/2
               an = ( pn( xn1/2 + yn1/2 + zn1/2 ) + ( xnynzn )1/2 )2    ;   bn = pn ( pn + Ln )2

    and    µ = (xk+1+yk+1+zk+1+2pk+1)/5

-The iterations stop when  xn , yn , zn , pn  are close enough to produce a good accuracy.
          T          p > 0           /
          Z            z           /
          Y            y           /
          X            x     RJ(x;y;z;p)


     4  ENTER^
     3  ENTER^
     2  ENTER^
     1  XEQ "RJ"  >>>>  RJ(1;2;3;4) = 0.239848100                                   ---Execution time = 34s---


[1]  Geodetic Constants
[2]  J. Feltens - Vector method to compute the Cartesian (X, Y, Z) to geodetic (f, l, h) transformation on a triaxial ellipsoid - J Geod (2009) 83:129–137
[3]  Marcin Ligas  - Cartesian to geodetic coordinates conversion on a triaxial ellipsoid - J Geod (2012) 86:249–256

-With many thanks to Charles Karney for the link that he sent me to get Jacobi's method:

[4]  If you want to visualize the geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid, go to this excellent page
[5]  Michèle Caputo - "Some Space Gravity Formulas and the Dimensions and the Mass of the Earth"
[6]  Dunkl & Ramirez - "Computing Hyperelliptic Integrals for Surface Measure of Ellipsoids"
[7]  B.C. Carlson, "Numerical Computation of Real or Complex Elliptic Integrals"