Number Theory Manual

XROM  Function  Desciption
 Section Header
 Base Conversion ( b < 101 , Integer Arguments )
 Base Conversion ( Fractional Arguments )
 Bell Numbers
 Bell Numbers ( program#2 )
 Bernoulli Numbers
 Beta Function ( Integer Arguments )
 Catalan Numbers
 Binomial Coefficients
 Conway's Batrachions
 Decimal to Fraction
 Decimal to Fraction ( program#2 )
 Decomposition in Sum of Powers
 Euler Numbers
 Eulerian Numbers
 Farey Sequences
 Fibonacci Numbers
 Generalized Catalan Numbers
 Generalized Catalan Numbers ( program#2 )
 GCD , LCM & Simplified Fractions
 Golomb Sequence
 Hofstadter's Batrachions
 Kaprekar Series
 Lah Numbers
 Markov Numbers
 Markov Numbers ( program#2 )
 Mallow's Batrachions
 Narayana's Numbers
 Unrestricted partitions p(n)
 Partitions into distinct parts q(n)
 Pell Equation  x^2 - d.y^2 = m
 Pell Equation  x^2 - d.y^2 = 1
 Euler Totient Function ( small arguments )
 Prime Factorization, Euler & Moebius Functions
 Idem ( displayed factorization )
 Is a given number a prime ?
 Pythagorean Tripples
 Pythagorean Tripples ( program#2 )
 Pythagorean Quadruples
 Super Catalan Numbers of order m
 Divisor Functions
 K-Stirling Numbers ( 1st Kind )
 K-Stirling Numbers ( 2nd Kind )
 Stirling Numbers ( 1st Kind )
 Stirling Numbers ( 2nd Kind )
 Sorting Numbers ( & Alpha Strings )
 Ramanujan Tau Numbers
 Ramanujan Tau Numbers ( Multiprecision )
 Bezout Identity  a.u + b.v = c
 Bezout Identity a.u + b.v + c.w = d
 Base Conversion ( b < 101 , Integer Arguments )
 Base Conversion ( Fractional Arguments )
 X-th Root of Y ( non-orthodox definition... )
 Sum of Digits


Base Conversion - Integer Arguments and b < 101

  "b-X" & "X-b" only deal with ( positive ) integers and bases b < 101
  If  10 < b < 101, each "digit" is represented by 2 decimal digits from the decimal point:
  For instance  N = 1A2EF ( base 16 ) must be keyed in   110021415  ( N = 107247 in decimal )

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines:  /

1-Base b >>> Base 10 ( LBL "b-X" )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             Nb             b
           X              b            N10

2-Base 10 >>> Base b ( LBL "X-b" )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             N10             b
           X              b            Nb

Example1:    Convert   (1234)7    to the decimal scale and then to the nonary scale

  1234  ENTER^
        7  XEQ "b-X"   >>>   466
                                              9   XEQ "X-b"  ( or simply R/S )  >>>   567     whence   (1234)7  =  466  =   (567)9

Example2:   Convert  (16267)12  to the decimal scale and then to the hexadecimal scale and the septenary scale.

   106020607  ENTER^
                 12  XEQ "b-X"  >>>  31471
                                                         16   R/S  yields  7101415     whence   (16267)12  =  31471  =  (7AEF)16

-Similarly,    31471  ENTER^   7   XEQ "X-b"  gives   160516     whence   (16267)12  =   (160516)7

Base Conversion - Fractional Arguments

 "B-X" & "X-B"  deal with ( positive ) fractional arguments
  If   10 < b < 101,   each "digit" is represented by 2 decimal digits from the decimal point
  If 100 < b < 1001, each "digit" is represented by 3 decimal digits from the decimal point ...  and so on  ...

  For instance, in base 234,   R = 5,233,001.122,   is a number with 3 "digits" in its integer part ( 5  233  1 ) and 1 "digit" in its fractional part ( 122 )
  ( in decimal, R = 328303.5214 )

-Roundoff errors are often unavoidable for fractional numbers

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines:  /

1-Base B >>> Base 10 ( LBL "B-X" )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             Nb             b
           X              b            N10

2-Base 10 >>> Base B ( LBL "X-B" )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             N10             b
           X              b            Nb

Example1:    Convert   (12.34)7    to the decimal scale and then to the nonary scale

  12.34  ENTER^
         7  XEQ "B-X"   >>>   9.510204082
                                                     9           XEQ "X-B"  ( or simply R/S )  >>>   10.45284032

             whence   (12.34)7  =  9.510204082  =   (10.45284032)9

Example2:    Convert  (4,123.092,046)128    to the decimal scale and then to the scale B = 41

   4,123.092,046  ENTER^
           128           XEQ "B-X"  >>>   635.7215576
                                                                 41            R/S  >>>   15,20.29,23,38

           whence     (4,123.092,046)128  =  635.7215576  =  (15,20.29,23,38)41

Bell Numbers

-Bell numbers are defined by    B(0) = 1  and  B(n) = Cn-10 B(0) + Cn-11 B(1) + ........ + Cn-1n-1 B(n-1)     if  n > 1
  where Cnk = n!/(k!(n-k)!) are the binomial coefficients.

Data Registers:             R00 = B(0) ; R01 = B(1) ; ....... ; Rnn = B(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

-Synthetic registers M , N , O are used by this program
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n            B(n)
           L             /              n

Example:     Calculate  B(10)

     10  XEQ "BELL1"  >>>  B(10) = 115975                        We also have the following results in registers R00 thru R10:
      n       0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10
    B(n)       1       1       2       5      15      52      203     877    4140   21147  115975

-If  n > 89 there is an "OUT OF RANGE"
-B(49) = 1.072613714 1046  is obtained in 8mn32s.
-Execution time is approximately proportional to n2

-Bell numbers may also be computed by the series:  B(n) = e-1 ( 1n/1! + 2n/2! + ...... + kn/k! + ..... )

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

-Synthetic registers M & N are used by "BELL2"
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n            B(n)
           L             /              n

Example:     Evaluate  B(89)

     89  XEQ "BELL2"  >>>  B(89) = 5.225728472 1099            ( the last 3 digits should be 505 instead of 472 )

-Roundoff errors are often greater than with "BELL1"
-On the other hand, "BELL2" is much faster than "BELL1" for large n values.

Bernoulli Numbers

-The Bernoulli numbers could be computed by the relations:

  B(0) = 1 ;  B(0) + Cn+11 B(1) +  Cn+12 B(2) + ...... +  Cn+1n B(n) = 0   where   Cnk = n!/(k!(n-k)!)  are the binomial coefficients

-However, this recurrence relation is unstable and the results are quite inaccurate for large n  ( for n = 20 , only 4 digits are correct! )
-"BERN" uses a series expansion instead:

  B(n) = (-1)-1+n/2 2n!/(2pi)n  ( 1/1n + 1/2n + ...... + 1/kn + ...... )   if  n is even  and  B(0) = 1 ; B(1) = -1/2 ; B(2n+1) = 0  if n > 0

-Actually, B(2) = 1/6 ; B(4) = -1/30 ; B(6) = -1/42  are given directly

Data Registers:  R00 to R03: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X              n           B(n)

Example:     116  XEQ "BERN"  gives  B(116) = -1.748892190 1098

Beta Function - Integer Arguments

 "BMN" employs the relation:

 B(m,n) = (m-1)!(n-1)!/(m+n-1)!

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y             m            /
           X             n        B(m,n)

Example:    100  ENTER^   200  XEQ "BMN"  >>>>   B(100,200) = 3.607285453 10 -84

Catalan Numbers

-The Catalan numbers are defined by   Cn = (2n)! / [ n! (n+1)! ] = [1/(n+1)] Cn2n       where     Ckn = n! / [ k! (n-k)! ]
-The first few are   1  1  2  5  14  42  132  429  .....................

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             n
           X             n            Cn


  10  XEQ "CAT"  >>>>   C10  = 16796
  84       R/S          >>>>   C84  = 2.705574509 1047
 172      R/S          >>>>  C172  = 8.904665844 1099

Generalized Catalan Numbers

-Catalan numbers have many generalizations...
-The 2 following programs calculate the sequence  1  1  1  2  4  8  17  37  82  185  423  ...............   cf  Sloane's  A004148

-The coefficients are given by the recurrence relation:   a(0) = 1 ,  a(n+1) = a(n) + SUMk=1,2,...,n-1  a(k) a(n-1-k)

Data Registers:   R00 = a(0)   R01 = a(1)   R02 = a(2)  .........................  Rnn = a(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n          a(n)
           L             /            n


  12  XEQ "GCAT1"  >>>>   a(12) = 2283
  29        R/S              >>>>   a(29) = 8622571758
  41        R/S              >>>>   a(41) = 5.442885873 E14


-Execute SIZE at least 004 even if n = 0 , 1 , 2
-All the a(k) are stored in Rkk for k <= n
-Execution time becomes prohibitive for large arguments and another approach is used hereunder:

>>>  If you only want one term,  a(n) may also be computed by

      a(n) = SUMk=m, m+1,.....,n  ( Cn-kk  Cn-k+1k ) / k      for  n > 0         where  m = ceil [(n+1)/2]  and   Cnk = binomial coefficients

Data Registers:     R00 = k        R02 = 1 , 2 , 3 , .......
                                  R01 = n        R03 = ( Cn-kk  Cn-k+1k ) / k
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n           a(n)


    12  XEQ "GCAT2"  >>>>  a(12)  = 2283
    29         R/S             >>>>  a(29)  = 8622571758
    41         R/S             >>>>  a(41)  = 5.442885872 E14
   247        R/S             >>>> a(247) = 4.894614237 E99

Super-Catalan Numbers of order m

-"SCTL" computes "Super-Catalan numbers" defined as    C(n,m) = Cn2n Cm2m / [ 2 Cnm+n ]    where   Ckn = n! / [ k! (n-k)! ]
-All these terms are integers except  C(0,0) = 1/2

Data Register:  R00 = n+m , n+m-1 , ............... , 1 , 0
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             /
           X             m         C(n,m)


   103  ENTER^
   208  XEQ "SCTL"  >>>>  C(103,208) = 6.694759032 1099

   168  ENTER^  R/S  >>>>  C(168,168) = 3.044358792 1099


-Though C(n,m) = C(m,n) , small differences in the last places are possible - due to roundoff errors.
-For instance 208  ENTER^  103  R/S  gives  6.694759074 E99  whereas an HP-48 returns  6.69475904935 E99
-If you replace R00 by synthetic register M , "SCTL" becomes a SIZE 000 program ( slightly faster ).
-The first few terms are:

    n\m     0    1    2    3    4    5

     0      .5    1    3   10  35  126
     1       1    1    2    5   14  132
     2       3    2    3    6   14   36
     3      10   5    6   10  20   45
     4      35  14  14  20  35   70
     5     126 42  36  45  79  126

-  C(1,n) = C(n,1)  are "the" Catalan numbers  Cn

Binomial Coefficients

-This routine is only a slight modification of a program by Keith Jarret listed in "Synthetic Programming Made Easy"
-I've simply added 3 lines to avoid a data error if k = 0 or k = n

-"CNK" computes  Cnk =  n! / [ k! (n-k)! ]

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             T            n
           Z             Z            T
           Y             n            Z
           X             k           Cnk
           L             /            k

Example:      n = 100  ,  k = 84

    100  ENTER^
     84   XEQ "CNK"  >>>>   C10084 = 1.345860628 1018


   1°) Conway's Batrachion

-The sequence is defined by     C(1) = C(2) = 1  ;   C(n) = C(C(n-1)) + C(n-C(n-1))        ( n > 2 )

Data Registers:     R00  unused  ;  R01 = C(1)  ;  R02 = C(2)  ; .......... ;  Rnn = C(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /        1+n.nnn*
           X             n          C(n)

   * if n > 2

Example:    100  XEQ "CNW"  >>>>   C(100) = 57                             and  C(n) is in register Rnn  for  n < 101

-The first few terms are
    n     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
 C(n)     1     1     2     2     3     4     4     4     5     6

-We have   C(2k) = 2k-1
-The graph of the ratio  C(n)/n  looks like a hopping frog and  C(n)/n tends to 1/2 as n tends to infinity.

   |       *
   |     *  *          *
   |   *     *      *    *              *
   |  *       *   *        *       *       *
   | *         **            *  *             *
--|*-------*----------*------------*------------------------- n

   2°) Hofstadter's Batrachion

-The sequence is defined by     H(1) = H(2) = 1  ;   H(n) = H(n-H(n-1)) + H(n-H(n-2))

Data Registers:     R00 = 0  ;  R01 = H(1)  ;  R02 = H(2)  ; .......... ;  Rnn = H(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /        1+n.nnn
           Y             /         H(n-1)
           X             n          H(n)

Example:     100  XEQ "HOF"  >>>>  H(100) = 56                            and  H(n) is in register Rnn  for  n < 101

-The firs few terms are:
    n     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
 H(n)     1     1     2     3     3     4     5     5     6     6


   3°) Mallows' Batrachion

-The sequence is defined by     M(1) = M(2) = 1  ;   M(n) = M(M(n-2)) + M(n-M(n-2))

Data Registers:     R00 = 0  ;  R01 = M(1)  ;  R02 = M(2)  ; .......... ;  Rnn = M(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /        1+n.nnn
           Y             /         M(n-1)
           X             n          M(n)

Example:     260  XEQ "MLW"  >>>>  M(260) = 180                      and  M(n) is in register Rnn  for  n < 261

-The first few terms are
    n     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
 M(n)     1     1     2     3     3     4     5     6     6     7


Decimal to Fraction

-"DF" & "DF2" find the best approximations of a decimal number x by a fraction p/q.
-They are based on continued fractions:

-We define   (pk)  &  (qk)   by  q -1 = 0 ,  q0 = 1 and  qk = yk.qk-1 + qk-2

   where         yk = INT(xk)             with  x0 = x ,  xk+1 = 1/FRC(xk)     we have then   pk = RND(x.qk)   [ RND must be executed in FIX 0 ]

-This program displays the successive   pk/qk  and stops when the fraction is exactly equal to x
-Synthetic register M may be replaced by any data register.

Data Registers: /
Flag:   F29
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS  when AVIEWs      OUTPUTS
           T             /          qk-1           qn-1
           Z             /            x             x
           Y             /            pk             qn
           X             x            qk             pn


a)  PI  XEQ "DF"  the hp-41 successively displays  "22/7"  "333/106"   "355/113"   "104348/33215"

-When the program stops,  X-register = 104348  &  Y-register = 33215

b) 1  E^X  R/S  >>>  "3/1"  "8/3"  "11/4"  "19/7"  "87/32"  "106/39"  "193/71"  "1264/465"  "1457/536"
                                  "2721/1001"  "23225/8544"  "25946/9545"  "49171/18089"  "173459/63812"

  and eventually,  X = 173459  &  Y =  63812

-Some numbers produce many continued fractions:
-A famous example is the golden ratio phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2   "DF" displays 22 fractions before it stops!
-The last one is 75025/46368

-If you set flag F21, the calculator will stop at each AVIEW
-The numerators are then in Y-register and the denominators in X-register
-At the end, X = the numerator, Y = the denominator.

-"DF2" stops when the rounded  difference ( x - p/q )  equals 0 in the current display format.

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /           qn-1
           Z             /     pn/qn - x
           Y             /            qn
           X             x            pn
           L             /            x


  FIX 6   PI    XEQ "DF2"  >>>>   355   RDN  113   RDN   2.66 E-7   whence  PI ~ 355/113  and   355/113 - PI  =  2.66 E-7
  FIX 6   1    E^X    R/S    >>>>  2721  RDN  1001  RDN  -1.10 E-7   whence  e ~  2721/1001 and  2721/1001 - e = -1.1 E-7

  T = the next to last denominator
  The decimal number x is saved in L-register.

Decomposition in Sums of Powers

-Given 3 positive integers N , n , k ,  "DNK"  searches n integers  1 <= x1 <= x2 <= .......... <= xn  such that

    N = x1k + ............. + xnk

-Each time a solution is found, it is displayed and the program stops ( line 72 )
-Press R/S to seek another result.
-When all the solutions have been displayed - if any - the program stops with X = 5.

Data Registers:    R00 to R04: temp

   >>>  When the routine displays a solution,  R05 = x1 ,  R06 = x2 , .....  , R3+n = xn-1  and   xn is in register Y

Flag:   F07
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z            N             /
           Y             n            xn
           X             k             /


    17863  ENTER^
        3      ENTER^
        5      XEQ "DNK"  >>>>  "17863=2^5+4^5+7^5"

                     R/S           >>>>    5.0000      i-e no more solution


    100   ENTER^
      4     ENTER^
      2     XEQ 'DNK"   >>>>   "100=1^2+1^2+7^2+7^2"

                    R/S         >>>>    "100=1^2+3^2+3^2+9^2"
                    R/S         >>>>    "100=1^2+5^2+5^2+7^2"
                    R/S         >>>>    "100=2^2+4^2+4^2+8^2"
                    R/S         >>>>    "100=5^2+5^2+5^2+5^2"

                    R/S         >>>>     5.0000      i-e no more solution


-If the alpha register cannot contain all the xi , remember that R05 = x1 ,  R06 = x2 , .....  , R3+n = xn-1 and   xn is in register Y

Euler Numbers

-These integers  may be computed by the formula:

     E(n) = (-1)n/2 2n+2 n! pi -n-1 ( 1/1n+1 - 1/3n+1 + 1/5n+1 - ..... + (-1)k / (2k+1)n+1 + .....  )     if  n is even
     E(n) = 0  if  n is odd

-"EULER" gives E(n) directly if n < 7 or n odd.
-The series expansion is used for n > 7 ; n even.
-The first values are:
       n        0        2        4        6        8       10
     E(n)        1       -1        5      -61     1385   -50521

Data Registers:   R00 = n ; R01 to R02: temp
Flag: /
Subroutine: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n           E(n)

Example:      Find   E(78)

    78   XEQ "EULER"  yields  E(78) =  -7.270601736 1099

Eulerian Numbers  A(n,k)

-The integers  A(n;k) are computed by:   A(n;k) =  Cn+10  kn  -  Cn+11  (k-1)n  + Cn+12  (k-2)n - .......... + (-1)k  Cn+1k  (k-k)n    ( 0 < k < n+1 )
-The first values are:

        1   1
        1   4     1
        1  11   11     1
        1  26   66    26    1
        1  57  302  302  57  1

-Note that some authors define these numbers differently ( with k+1 instead of k )

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n            n
           X             k         A(n;k)
           L             /            k

Example:     Calculate  A(16;7)

    16  ENTER^
     7   XEQ "EULN3"  >>>   A(16;7) = 3.207483180 1012

Farey Sequences

-The Farey sequence Fn is the list of  N rational number  { a1/b1 = 0/1 ; a2/b2 = 1/n ; ....... ; aN/bN = 1/1 } sorted in increasing order
  whith  0 <= ak <= bk <= n  ;  GCD(ak;bk) = 1

-The following program uses the formulae:  ak+1 = - ak-1  ;  bk+1 = - bk-1    where  mk = INT( (bk-1+ n)/bk )

  F1 = { 0/1 ; 1/1 }
  F2 = { 0/1 ; 1/2 ; 1/1 }
  F3 = { 0/1 ; 1/3 ; 1/2 ; 2/3 ; 1/1 }
  F4 = { 0/1 ; 1/4 ; 1/3 ; 1/2 ; 2/3 ; 3/4 ; 1/1 }
  .............................. etc .............................

Data Registers:  R00 = n ;  R01 = ak-1 ; R02 = bk-1 ; R03 = k ; When the routine stops, R03 = X-register = N = the number of elements in the list.
Flag:   F29
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS   ... AVIEW ...     OUTPUTS
           Y             /            bk            /
           X             n            ak           N(n)

  where N(n) = the number of fractions


   5   XEQ "FAREY"  >>>>   0/1  1/5  1/4  1/3  2/5  1/2  3/5  2/3  3/4  4/5  1/1

  and     X-register = 11 = the number of terms in this Farey sequence = R03.

Fibonacci Numbers

-This famous sequence is defined by

  u0 = 0  ,   u1 = 1  &   un+1 = un + un-1

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /           un-1
           X             n            un
           L             /            n

  where n is a non-negative integer


  49  XEQ "FIB"  >>>>   u49 = 7778742049   X<>Y   u48 = 4807526976
 480      R/S        >>>>   u480 = 9.216845715 E99   X<>Y   u48 = 5.696323921 E99


-This routine uses a dummy  u -1 = 1

Greatest Common Divisor & Lowest Common Multiple

-"GCD" computes GCD(a,b) & LCM(a,b)  and  calculates  a' = a/GCD(a,b)  & b' = b/GCD(a,b)
-Thus,  a'/b' = a/b  and  a'/b'  is irreductible.
-The Euclidean algorithm is used.

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /    a'= a/gcd(a,b)
           Z             /    b'= b/gcd(a,b)
           Y             a        lcm(a,b)
           X             b        gcd(a,b)


  950796  ENTER^
  107016  XEQ "GCD"  >>>>  GCD(950796,107016) =   4116
                                      RDN   LCM(950796,107016) = 24720696
                                     RDN       b' = 26
                                      RDN       a' = 231

-Thus,   950796/107016 = 231/26

Golomb Sequence

-"GOL" uses the following method, let:

     am = the greatest integer n such that  G( n ) = m
     bm = the greatest integer n such that  G(G( n )) = m
     cm = the greatest integer n such that  G(G(G( n ))) = m

-We have   a1 = b1 = c1 = 1 and   am = am-1 + gm ;   bm = bm-1 + ;  cm = cm-1 + am-( gm-1 )/2 )
  and let  ccm,k  defined by   ccm,0 =  cm  ;    ccm,k+1 =  ccm,k + (m+1)(am+k+1)

-First, we find the greatest integer m such that  cm < n
-Then, --------------------------  k  --------   ccm,k < n
-Finally,  G(n) = bm + k(m+1) + INT(( n - ccm,k + am +k )/( am + k +1 ))

-For n = 1010 , m = 330 and fortunately, a very simple formula yields G(m) for m < 423   i-e  G(m) = the nearest integer to 1.2 m0.61832

Data Registers:   R00 = n  ;   R01 = am and  am + k + 1  ;  R02 = bm and  bm + k(m+1)(k+1)  ; R03 = gm
                                                 R04 = m+1  ;  R05 = 0.61832  ;  R06 = 1.2  ;  R07 = 0.5
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n          G(n)


   9,999,999,999  XEQ "GOL"  >>>>  1,820,598
      1,000,000             R/S         >>>>       6,137

Kaprekar Series

-Take for example a 3-digit number, say  N0 = 286
-Sort the digits in increasing order:  268  and in decreasing order:  862
-Calculate the difference  862 - 268 = 594 = N1

-Repeat this operation:  954 - 459 = 495 = N2
-Again:  954 - 459 = 495 = N3

-The Kaprekar series in this example is  286 , 594 , 495 , 495 , .....
-So we end up in a 1-number cycle:  { 495 }

-The following programs allows to find such cycles.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n = number of digits  ( 1 <= n <= 10 )                   ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "KAPR"  )

                                         R01 thru R10 = digits of the numbers    R11 & R12: temp

                                     -  R13  R14  R15  .....................  =  N0  N1  N2  .............................
Flags: /
Subroutine:   "SORT"
      STACK         INPUT       OUTPUT
           X            N0        bbb.eee

   where  bbb.eee  is the control number of the cycle

Example1:     n = 6  &   N0 = 918682

     6       STO 00
918682  XEQ "KAPR"  >>>>  the HP-41 displays  N0 ,  N1 ,  N2 , ...... and finally returns  24.030

-So we eventually end up in a 7-number cycle in registers  R24 , ..... , R30  namely:

       { 851742 , 750843 , 840852 , 860832 , 862632 , 642654 , 420876 }

Example2:     n = 5  &   N0 = 4    which will be read  "00004"  since  n = 5

    5   STO 00
    4     R/S        >>>>   15.018

-The 4-number cycle is in registers  R15 thru R18:

       { 62964 , 71973 , 83952 , 74943 }

Lah Numbers

-"LAH" computes the integers defined by  L(n,m) = (-1)n ( n! / m! )  Cm-1n-1        for  0 < m <= n

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  ( Binomial Coefficients )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             /
           X             m         L(n,m)


   41  ENTER^
   24  XEQ "LAH"  >>>>   L(41,24) = -4.784156505 E36

Markov Numbers

-Markov numbers are integer solutions of the equation:  x2 + y2 + z2 = 3 xyz   (E)
-All the solutions may be obtained from ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) by the following rule:

-If ( x , y , z ) is a solution then  ( y , z , x' ) and ( x , z , y' ) are also solutions of (E)

  where  x' = 3 y z - x   and   y' = 3 x z - y

-"MARKOV"  takes an alpha string of "A" and "B" characters and returns a tripple ( x , y , z )  in the stack.

Data Registers:   R00: unused  ,  R01 = x , R02 = y , R03 = z
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             z
           Y             /             y
           X             /             x


   "ABBAAAB"   XEQ "MARKOV"   >>>>   x = 194 , y = 4400489 , z = 2561077037
     "AAAAA"                 R/S               >>>>   x =  29  , y = 433 , z = 37666
     "BBBBB"                  R/S               >>>>   x =   1   , y =  34  , z =  89


-You can continue with the results obtained by placing another string of "A" or "B" in the alpha register and  XEQ 01
-Of course, the numbers will be only approximate if they exceed  10^10

-Instead of an alpha string, the following variant takes a positive integer in X and returns 3 Markov numbers..

Data Registers:   R00: unused  ,  R01 = x , R02 = y , R03 = z   R04: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             z
           Y             /             y
           X            N             x


  157   XEQ "MARKOV2"  >>>>    x = 89 , y = 2423525 , z = 647072098

Narayana's Numbers

-They are defined as  Nn,k = (1/n) Cnk  Cnk-1    with  1 <= k <= n

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  ( Binomial Coefficients )
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             /
           X             k           Nn,k


  128   ENTER^
   67    XEQ "NARAY"  >>>>   N128,67 = 3.663413794 E72

Unrestricted Partitions:   p(n)

Formula:      p(n) = 1/(pi) SUMk=1,2,3,..... k1/2 Ak(n).( ( cosh(pi(2(n-1/24)/3)1/2/k) (2/3)1/2 pi/k )/(n-1/24) -  sinh(pi(2(n-1/24)/3)1/2/k)/(n-1/24)3/2 )/2

        with     Ak(n) = SUMh=1,2,...,k ; GCD(h,k)=1  cos( pi.S(h,k) - 2(pi)n.h/k )    where  S(h,k) = SUMj=0,1,...,k-1 ( frc(h.j/k) -1/2 )( j/k - 1/2 )

Data Registers:             R00 = n ; R01 = partial sums and p(n) ;  R02 to R08 = temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n           p(n)


     100   XEQ "PARTPN"  >>>>   p(100) =  190569292
      721             R/S            >>>>   p(721) = 1.610617578  1026   ( the last digits should be 57 instead of 78 )

Partitions Into Distinct Parts:   q(n)

Formula:      q(n) =  SUMk=1,2,3,.....   A2k-1(n).  I1(pi((n+1/24)/3)1/2/(2k-1)) (1/3)1/2 pi/(2k-1) )/(2(n+1/24)1/2)

        where     Ak(n) and S(h,k)  are defined as above ( 1°)b) )  and  I1(x) = the modified Bessel function of order 1.

Data Registers:             R00 = n ; R01 = partial sums and q(n) ;  R02 to R06 = temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n           q(n)


     200  XEQ "PARTQN"  >>>>  q(200) = 487067755                                ( exact value is 487067746 )
    1000           R/S             >>>>  q(1000) = 8.635565946  1021

Pell Equation:  x2 - d y2 = m

Data Registers: /
Flag:  F29
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /            m
           Z             /             y
           Y             d             d
           X             m             0
           L              /             x

Example:                  x2 - 7 y2 = 2

  7  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "PELL"  >>>>   "3^2-7*1^2=2"
                              R/S     "45^2-7*17^2=2"
                              R/S     "717^2-7*271^2=2"
                              R/S     ..............................


-Do not disturb the stack before pressing R/S again.
-Execution time is often prohibitive and the following approach is better for m = 1.

Pell Equation:  x2 - d y2 = 1

-Here, d must not be a perfect square.
-This routine uses the continued fraction of sqrt(d).

-"PELL1" takes d in X-register and returns the smallest solution x , y in registers X , Y.

Data Registers:    R00 = d     R01 thru R10: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             y
           X             d             x


   41  XEQ "PELL1"   >>>>   x = 2049
                                  X<>Y   y = 320

   61       R/S       >>>>   x = 1766319049
                          X<>Y   y =  226153980

Euler Totient Function

-phi(n) is the number of integers not exceeding and relatively prime to n.
-"PHI" can be used if n is small

Data Registers:   R00 = phi(n)   R01 = n    R02 = n-1 , n-2 , .... , 0
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             n         phi(n)


   1    XEQ "PHI"  >>>>   phi(1)    =  1
 360        R/S        >>>>  phi(360) = 96

-The programs hereunder are of course much faster.

Prime Factorization, Euler & Moebius Functions

-"PMF" stores the factors into contiguous registers from register R04 and it computes phi(n) & the Moebius function µ(n).

   µ(0) = 0   µ(1) = 1


         µ(n) =   0      if n is a multiple of the square of a prime
         µ(n) = (-1)k  if n is the product of k distinct primes.

-The factors themselves are stored as follows: if, for instance n = 35 74     R04 = 3.005   R05 = 7.004
-In other words, the exponents are divided by 1000 and added to the corresponding prime factor p.
-If p > 9999999 , the fractional part will be zero but should be read 0.001

Registers:          R00:  temp
                           R01 = phi(N)    R02 = µ(n)    R03 = 4.eee   R04 , R05 , ...  the factors
Flags: /
Subroutines:  the M-code routine  PRIME?
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /           µ(n)
           Y             /          phi(n) 
           X             n         4.eee

  Exception:   if n = 1 ,  X-output = 1


  n =  3238704  XEQ "PMF"  >>>>       4.007
                                               RDN    phi(n) =  870912
                                               RDN     µ(n)  =   0

  { R04  R05  R06  R07 } = { 2.004  3.005  7.002  17.001 }   whence  3238704 = 24 35 72 17

-"PMF2"  calculates phi(n) & µ(n) too but the factorization is gradually displayed.

Registers:          R00&R03:  temp
                           R01 = phi(N)    R02 = µ(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines:  the M-code routine  PRIME?
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /          µ(n) 
           X             n         phi(n) 

  where  n  is a positive integer


  3238704  XEQ "PMF2"  displays  ( successively )

           3238704=2^4*3*5*7^2*17^1        ( if there are more than 24 characters, the left part of the alpha string will be gradually truncated )

     phi(3238704) = 870912 is in X-register
       µ(3238704) =      0       is in Y-register

Primality Test

-PRIME? is an M-code function written by Jason DeLooze.
-It comes from Ángel Martin's SandMath.
-In addition to doing the "skip-if-false" in PRGM mode,
  this routine returns a prime factor if the number isn't prime, or 1 if prime.


  997  XEQ "PRIME?"  gives  "YES"  and  X-register = 1
  245  XEQ "PRIME?"  gives   "NO"  and  X-register = 5

-The number itself is saved in L-register.

Pythagoras Equation

    a)  X^2+Y^2=Z^2

-All the solutions of this equations may be computed from the solution ( 3 , 4 , 5 ) and 3 matrices A , B , C where

             1   -2    2                       -1    2    2                         1    2    2
   A =    2   -1    2               B =  -2    1    2                 C =  2    1    2
             2    2    3                       -2    2    3                         2    2    3

-You place an alpha string containing the letters  A  B  C  and "PYTH" returns in X , Y , Z  a solution of the Pythagoras equation

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             z
           Y             /             y
           X             /             x


   ABBCAABCABCCAAABBB   XEQ "PYTH"   >>>>    x = 7866623169  ,  y = 2205672440  ,  z = 8169990881


-You can continue with the results obtained by placing another string of  A  B  C   in the alpha register and  XEQ 10
-The results will be only approximate if they exceed  10^10

-Instead of an alpha string, "PYHT2" takes 2 positive integers p &q  in X & Y and returns a Pythagorean tripple.

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             z
           Y             p             y
           X             q             x


   41247  ENTER^
   87268  XEQ "PYTH2"  >>>>   x = 7199086392 , y = 5914388815 , z = 9317018833

 You can check that  x^2 + y^2 = z^2


-We have  x = 2 p.q  ,  y = | p2 - q2 |  ,  z =  p2 + q2
-It can be proved that this method gives all the solutions too !

    b)  X^2+Y^2+Z^2=T^2

-Here we place 2 positive integers  m , n  in registers X , Y  and "PYTH3" returns 1 or several solutions of  x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = t^2
-We have:

    x = ( m2 + n2 - p2 ) / p   ,  y = 2 m  ,  z = 2 n ,  t = ( m2 + n2 + p2 ) / p

-The program tests all the integers p from 1 to sqrt( m2 + n2 )  and only keeps those p that are divisors of  ( m2 + n2 )

Data Registers:  R00 = p  ,  R01 = m , R02 = n , R03 = m2 + n2
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /             t
           Z             /             z
           Y             n             y
           X             m             x


   5   ENTER^
   7   XEQ "PYTH3"  >>>>   x = 73 , y = 10 , z = 14 , t = 75
              R/S              >>>>   x = 35 , y = 10 , z = 14 , t = 39
              R/S              >>>>   "END"

-Of course, it may take a long time if m & n are large.
-Use a good emulator and activate the turbo mode...

Divisor Functions

-After factorizing n > 1 with "PMF", "SKN" can be used to compute sk(n) = Sumd | n d k

  Formula:     if  n = p1r1 ....... p1mrm  ,  sk(n) = Producti [ pik(ri+1) - 1 ] / ( pik - 1 ) = Producti ( 1 + pik + pi2k + ...... + pik.ri )

Data Registers:   R00: temp   R01 = k   R02 = sk(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y        bbb.eee            /
           X             k         sk(n)

   where  bbb.eee  is the control number of the factorization         bbb > 002


  n = 3238704 XEQ "PMF" gives  4.007

  4.007  ENTER^
      1     XEQ "SKN"  >>>>  s1(n) = 11577384

  4.007  ENTER^
      2         R/S            >>>>  s2(n) = 1.610126288 1013


 sk(1) = 1 for all k

Stirling Numbers

-Stirling numbers of the first kind Snm are defined by the recurrence relation: ( Sn0 = 0 ) ;  Snm = Sn-1m-1 - ( n-1 ) Sn-1m      ( 1 <= m <= n )
-Stirling numbers of the second kind snm are defined by the recurrence relation:  ( sn0 = 0 )  ;   snm =  sn-1m-1  +  m sn-1m      ( 1 <= m <= n )

  •  (-1)n-m Snm is the number of permutations of n symbols which have exactly m cycles.
  •             snm  is the number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into m non-empty subsets.

Data Registers:       When the program stops:   R00 = 0 , R01 = Sn1 , R02 = Sn2 , ...... , Rmm = Snm       ( or snj  )

Flag:   F02
Subroutines:  /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             /
           X         m <= n         S(n;m) 

Example:   Calculate  S127   and    s127

        12  ENTER^
          7  XEQ "SNM1"  >>>>   S127 =  -2637558

     ( and R01 = -39916800 = S121 ; R02 = 120543840 = S122    .........................................      R07 = -2637558 = S127  )

        12  ENTER^
         7  XEQ "SNM2"  >>>>   s127 = 627396

     ( and R01 = 1 =  s121 ; R02 = 2047 =  s122 ; ........ ;  R07 = 627396 = s127 )

K-Stirling Numbers

  •    k-Stirling numbers of the first kind S1(k;n,m) are defined by the recurrence relation:

                 S1(k;0,0) = 0     ;      S1(k;n,m)  =  [ (1-k).m + 1 - n ] S1(k;n-1,m) + S1(k;n-1,m-1)    ( 1 <= m <= n )

  •    k-Stirling numbers of the second kind S2(k;n,m) are defined by:

                 S2(k;0,0) = 0     ;      S2(k;n,m)  =  [ (k-1).(n-1) + m ] S2(k;n-1,m) + S2(k;n-1,m-1)    ( 1 <= m <= n )

Data Registers:      When the program stops:   R00 = 0 , R01 = S(k;n,1) , R02 = S(k;n,2) , ...... , Rmm = S(k;n,m)

Flags:  F02
Subroutines:  /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             k             /
           Y             n             /
           X         m <= n         S(k;n,m) 

      ( k may be positive, zero or negative )


    3  ENTER^  10  ENTER^  7   XEQ "SKNM1"   >>>>   S1(3;10,7) = -188370
    3  ENTER^  10  ENTER^  7   XEQ "SKNM2"  >>>>   S2(3;10,7) =  220500

-In both cases,      R01 = Si(3;10,1)   R02 = Si(3;10,2)  ..................  R07 = Si(3;10,7)    ( i = 1 or 2 )

Note:    S1(1;n,m) = Snm     ;      S2(1;n,m) = snm

Sorting Numbers & Alpha Strings

-"SORT" is called as a subroutine by "KAPR"

Data Registers:   Only those of the block of registers.
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eeeii             /

      where  bbb.eeeii  is the control number of the array.

-For example, to sort numbers in registers R01  R03  R05  R07 , key in

  1.00702  XEQ "SORT"

-This program uses a selection sort.
-The numbers are sorted in increasing order.

-It also works to sort alpha strings.

Ramanujan Tau Numbers

-Ramanujan numbers Tau(n) are defined by

   x.[ (1-x).(1-x2).(1-x3)....... ]24  = Tau(1).x + Tau(2).x2 + Tau(3).x3 + ..... + Tau(n).xn + ......

-"TAU" calculates Tau(n) by the recurrence relation:

    (n-1).Tau(n) = SUM1<=m<=b(n) (-1)m+1 (2m+1).(n-1-9m(m+1)/2).Tau(n-m(m+1)/2)     where   b(n) = INT ((8n+1)1/2-1)/2

-This program calculates and stores Tau(1) , Tau(2) , ...... , Tau(n) into registers R01 , R02 , ....... , Rnn

Data Registers:  R00 = 0 , R01 = Tau(1) , ........... , Rnn = Tau(n)
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             n          tau(n)
           L             /             n

Example:    Evaluate Tau(10)

   10  XEQ "TAU"  >>>>  Tau(10) = -115920  in X-register and in R10

-We also have   1    , -24 ,  252 , -1472 , 4830 , -6048 , -16744 , 84480 , -113643  ( i-e Tau(1) , .......... , Tau(9) )
    in registers   R01 , R02 , R03 ,   R04  ,  R05 ,    R06 ,     R07  ,    R08  ,     R09       respectively


-This program yields Tau(84) = 6,188,510,373 whereas the correct value is Tau(84) = 6,211,086,336
  and 300 XEQ "TAU" produces a completely meaningless result !
-Obviously, roundoff errors overwhelm the wanted function.

-Results are exact up to n = 43 only.
-Therefore, another approach is necessary to compute Tau(n) for larger arguments.

-"TAUL" employs the formula:

    Tau(n) = n4.s(n) - 24 SUM0<k<n k2.(35.k2-52.k.n+18.n2).s(k).s(n-k)     ( n > 1 )  where  s(k) is the sum of the divisors of k.

-Multiple precision is used and Tau(n) may be exactly computed up to n = 13868.

-"TAUL" computes Tau(n) by groups of 4 digits in registers R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20

Data Registers:        R01 = n   ;   R00 and R02 thru R20 are used for temporary data storage and when the program stops:

                                   R03 = Tau(n) = X-register ( approximate value )
                                   R15 to R20 contain the digits of Tau(n) ( exact value )
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /        15.020
           X             n         tau(n) 

  15.020  = control number of the exact result ( in registers R15 thru R20 )
  X-output is only an approximate value

Example1:     Calculate  Tau(84)

   84  XEQ "TAUL"  >>>>  Tau(84) =  6211086336

In this case, the approximate value is quite exact!

which is confirmed by   R15 = 0 , R16 = 0 , R17 = 0 , R18 = 62 , R19 = 1108 , R20 = 6336

Example2:    Compute Tau(314)

  314  XEQ "TAUL"  >>>>  Tau(314) = -3.156280211 1013  = approximate value

and we have:  R15 = 0 , R16 = 0 , R17 = -31 , R18 = -5628 , R19 = -210 ( which is to be read -0210 ) , R20 = -5744

 whence   Tau(314) = -31562802105744

-Remark that registers R15 to R20 are inferior or equal to zero when Tau(n) < 0


-With V41 in turbo mode  13868 XEQ "TAUL"  yields:

   R15 = -336 ; R16 = -1948 ; R17 = -0538 ; R18 = -4247 ; R19 = -3535 ; R20 = -1552   ( in about 1h23mn on my PC )

  whence  Tau(13868) = -33619480538424735351552      with a "real" HP-41, execution time is probably of the order of  8 or 9 days!

-For n > 13868 , the calculations involve numbers greater than 1010 and the results would be only approximate.

Bezout Identity  a.u + b.v = c

-The equation  a u + b v = c   where  a , b , c  are known integers and u , v are 2 unknowns
  has integer solutions iff c is a multiple of GCD(a,b)
-"UV" computes 2 numbers u & v that satisfy this equation.
-GCD(a,b) is also returned in Z-register & T-register.

-The extended Euclidean algorithm is used:  let  a0 = a  &  a1 = b , we perform the successive Euclidean divisions

    a0 = a1 q1 + a2                     and we                u0 = 1  ,  u1 = 0  ,  uk+1 = uk-1 - qk uk
    a1 = a2 q2 + a3                      define                 v0 = 0  ,  v1 = 1  ,  vk+1 = vk-1 - qk vk

  ak-1 = ak qk + ak+1

  an-1 = an qn + 0                      it yields                   an = gcd(a,b)        u = c un/ an         v = c vn/ an

Data Registers:      R00 thru R04: temp           When the program stops,   R02 = -b & R04 = a  or   R02 = b & R04 = -a
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             a         gcd(a,b)
           Y             b             v
           X             c             u


  125  ENTER^
   41   ENTER^
    1    XEQ "UV"  >>>>       u = -20                            -20x125 + 61x41 = 1
                             RDN        v =  61
                             RDN   gcd(125,41) = 1

-If c is not a multiple of gcd(a,b)  u and v are not integers.
-When c = gcd(a,b)  , u and v are minimal solutions. Otherwise, they are not!

-For instance, with  a = 125 , b = 41 , c = 7   "UV" gives  u = -140 & v = 427

Bezout Identity a.u + b.v + c.w = d

-"UVW" tries to solve  a u + b v + c w = d  where a , b , c , d  are given integers and  u , v, w  are unknown integers # 0.

-There will be solutions iff  d is a multiple of gcd ( a , b , c )

Data Registers:   R00 = d  , R01 = a , R02 = b , R03 = c , R04 = +/-u , R05 = +/-v ,  R06-R07-R08: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUTS     OUTPUTS1   OUTPUTS2...
           T             a             /            /
           Z             b             w           w'
           Y             c             v            v'
           X             d             u            u'


    41   ENTER^
   178  ENTER^
    12   ENTER^
     7    XEQ "UVW"   >>>>    1  RDN  -1  RDN  12    thus  41 x 1 + 178 x (-1) + 12 x 12 = 7

               R/S             >>>>     -3  RDN  1   RDN  -4    so,   41 x (-3) + 178 x 1 + 12 x (-4) = 7

               R/S             >>>>      3   RDN   -2   RDN   20   i-e   41 x 3 + 178 x (-2) + 12 x 20 = 7   .... and so on ....


-If there is one solution, the number of solutions is infinite.
-So the program could run ( almost ) forever.
-If a , b , c  are relatively large numbers, the execution time may be large too...

-When the program stops, we are inside a local subroutine.

X-th Root

-This M-code routine calculates the x-th root of y if y is non-negative.
-Otherwise, it computes sign(y) [abs(y)^(1/x)]
-So, it's not an orthodox XROOT !

-It will return correctly cube root ( -64 ) = -4   exactly   ( 13-digit routines allows to get exact integers in these cases )
-But it will also give square root ( -9 ) = -3 !!!

-This function is actually a continuation of  y^(1/x)  by a symmetry with respect to the origine O.
-It's used by "DNK" to test if a positive integer is really an integer power of an integer.

Sum of Digits

 SDGT  is an M-Code routine written by Ángel Martin.
 It returns the sum of the digits of the mantissa of a real number in X-register.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /            R
           X             R     Sum of Digits


      123456789      XEQ "SDGT"  yields   45
  1.23456789 E15  XEQ "SDGT"  yields   45   too.


[1]  Abramowitz and Stegun , "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" -  Dover Publications -  ISBN  0-486-61272-4
[2]  Philippe Descamps & Jean-Jacques Dhenin , "Programmer HP-41" - PSI - ISBN 2-86595-056-5  ( in French )
[3]  John H. Conway  & Richard K. Guy - "The Book of Numbers"  - Springer Verlag -  ISBN  0-387-97993-X
[4]  Clifford A. Pickover - "Keys to Infinity" - John Wiley & Sons -  ISBN  0-471-11857-5