
-Many programs in this module are also in DERIVE41 module.

-But several have been improved, especially CDGL+
  which also gives now the vectorial Laplacian in cylindrical & spherical coordinates.

-2 mixed derivatives are computed by new formulae which require less function-evaluations
  without beeing less accurate ( perhaps even with a better precision ).

-There are also a few routines to evaluate integrals with Gaussian formulas and to solve differential equations.


-Most of the formulas for numerical differentiation are of order 10.
-This produces a good precision for the 1st derivatives but a low precision for 6th derivative.
XROM  Function  Desciption
 Section Header
 Determinant of a Square Matrix of order n ( n < 18 )
 1st 2nd & 3rd Derivatives of a Function of 1 var.
 4th 5th 6th Derivatives of a Function of 1 variable
 Derivatives of a Function of 2 variables
 Derivatives of a Function of 3 variables
 Mixed Derivative of a Function of 2 vatiables
 First Derivatives of a Function of N variables
 Second Derivatives of a Function of N variables
 Third Derivatives of a Function of N variables
 Biharmonic Operator ( 3 Dim. )
 Curl, Divergence, Gradient, Laplacian, Vector-Lapl.
 D'Alembertian Operator
 Heat Operator
 Laplacian of a Function of N variables
 Triharmonic Operator ( 3 Dim. )
 Hessian Matrix + Gradient
 Arc Length of a Parametric 3D-Curve
 Gaussian Curvature & Mean Curvature of a Surface.
 Gaussian Curvature & Mean Curv. of a Hypersurface
 Curvature & Torsion of a Curve ( 3 Dim )
 Curvature & Torsion of a Curve ( n Dim )
 Differential Equation with Runge-Kutta of order 7
 Systems of 2 ODE with Runge-Kutta of order 7
 Conservative ODE, Runge-Kutta-Nystrom of order 6
 Systems of 2 conservative ODE with RKN6
 Systems of n ODE with Gill-Runge-Kutta method
 Gauss-Legendre Integration ( 16-point Formula )
 Double & Tripple Integrals with 3-point Gauss-Leg.
 Multiple Integrals with GL3
 Multiple Integrals from -1 to +1 with GL3
 Integral on the Surface of a Sphere
 Norm of a 3D-vector
 An M-Code Routine to Calculate X^3
 An M-Code Routine to Calculate X/3


Determinant of a Square Matrix

-"DET" is very similar to "LS1" ( cf "Linear and non-linear Systems for the HP-41" )
-You can store the coefficients of the matrix from Rbb to Ree provided  bb > 00

Data Registers:         R00 = det A at the end                   ( Registers Rbb thru Rbb-1+n2 are to be initialized before executing "DET" )

                                •  Rbb   = a11  ....................   •  Ree   = ann

Flags: /
Subroutines: /
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X     bbb.eeenn     Deteminant
           L             /     bbb.eeenn

   where n is the order of the square matrix and  bbb > 000

Example:    Calculate the following determinant assuming the coefficients are stored in R11 to R19

            |  4  9  2  |                  R11  R14  R17
    D =  |  3  5  7  |      into      R12  R15  R18      respectively
            |  8  1  6  |                  R13  R16  R19

    11.01903   XEQ "DET"  >>>>   Det = 360    ( in 10 seconds )


-This program does not check that the control number is valid.
-"DET" is called by "KGMN"

1st 2nd & 3rd Derivatives of a Function of 1 variable

-"dF"  calculates the 1st, 2nd & 3rd derivatives of a function of 1 variable f(x)


       df/dx = (1/2520.h).[ 2100.( f1 - f-1 ) - 600.( f2 - f-2 ) + 150.( f3 - f-3 ) - 25.( f4 - f-4 ) + 2.( f5 - f-5 ) ] + O(h10)
     d2f/dx2 = (1/25200.h2).[ -73766 f0 + 42000.( f1 + f-1 ) - 6000.( f2 + f-2 ) + 1000.( f3 + f-3 ) - 125.( f4 + f-4 ) + 8.( f5 + f-5 ) ] + O(h10)

      (  f(x+k.h) is denoted fk to simplify these expressions )

    d3f/dx3 = [ -e f(x-5h) - d f(x-4h) - c f(x-3h) - b f(x-2h) - a f(x-h) + a f(x+h) + b f(x+2h) + c f(x+3h) + d f(x+4h) + e f(x+5h) ] / h3 + O(h10)

       with   a = -1669/720 ,  b = 8738/5040 ,  c = -4869/10080 ,  d = 2522/30240 ,  e = -205/30240

-They are exact for any polynomial of degree < 11

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                               ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF" )

                                         R01 = x     R03 = df/dx    R05 = d3f/dx3    R06 to R08: temp
                                         R02 = h     R04 = d2f/dx2

Flags:  /
Subroutine:      A program which computes f(x) assuming x is in X-register upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /         f '''(x)
           Y             h         f ''(x)
           X             x         f '(x)

Example:      f(x) = exp(x) + ln(x)     x = 2
  01  LBL "T"
  02  E^X
  03  LASTX
  04  LN
  05  +
  06  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

-With  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     XEQ "dF"  >>>>   f '(2) = 7.889056107 = R03                                               ---Execution time = 13s---
                             RDN   f "(2) = 7.139056635 = R04
                             RDN  f '''(2) = 7.639051753 = R05

4th 5th & 6th Derivatives of a Function of 1 variable

-"d4F"  calculates the 4th, 5th & 6th derivatives of a function of 1 variable f(x)


-Let  A = f(x+h) - f(x-h)  ,  B = f(x+2h) - f(x-2h)  ,  C = f(x+3h) - f(x-3h)  ,  D = f(x+4h) - f(x-4h)  , E = f(x+5h) - f(x-5h)

        G = f(x+h) + f(x-h)  ,  H = f(x+2h) + f(x-2h)  ,  I = f(x+3h) + f(x-3h)  ,  J = f(x+4h) + f(x-4h)  , K = f(x+5h) + f(x-5h)

  and   F = f(x)

-We have:

   h4 f(4)(x) ~  ( 192654 F - 140196 G + 52428 H - 9738 I +1261 J - 82 K ) / 15120
   h5 f(5)(x) ~  ( 1938 A - 1872 B + 783 C - 152 D + 13 E ) / 288
   h6 f(6)(x) ~  ( -233244 F + 184110 G - 88920 H + 24795 I -3610 J + 247 K ) / 4560

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                                  ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "d4F" )

                                         R01 = x     R03 = f(x)         R05 = d5f/dx5    R07 to R09: temp
                                         R02 = h     R04 = d4f/dx4   R06 = d6f/dx6

Flags:  /
Subroutine:      A program which computes f(x) assuming x is in X-register upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /         f(6)(x)
           Y             h         f(5)(x)
           X             x         f(4)(x)

Example:      f(x) = exp(x) + ln(x)     x = 2
  01  LBL "T"
  02  E^X
  03  LASTX
  04  LN
  05  +
  06  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

-With  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     XEQ "d4F"  >>>>   f '(2) = 7.013760979 = R04                                                     ---Execution time = 14s---
                               RDN   f "(2) = 8.140451389 = R05
                               RDN  f '''(2) = 5.637850877 = R06

Derivatives of a Function of 2 variables

-"dF2" calls "dF" and "MDV" to compute the 5 partial derivatives:

     f 'x = f / x ; f 'y = f / y ;  f "xx = 2f / x2 ; f "yy = 2f / y2  and   f "xy  = 2f / xy

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                   ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF2" )

                    R01 = x                     R03 = f 'x    = f / x         R06 =  f 'y   = f / y           R09 =  f "xy  = 2f / xy
                    R02 = y                     R04 = f "xx   = 2f / x2      R07 = f "yy  = 2f / y2
                                                     R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3      R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3

Flags: /
Subroutine:      A program which computes f(x,y) assuming x is in X-register & y is in Y-register upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /   f "yy = 2f / y2
           Z            h   f "xx = 2f / x2
           Y             y    f 'y = f / y
           X             x    f 'x = f / x

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y)    x = 1 , y = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  X<>Y
 06  LN
 07  *
 08  RTN 

    T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "dF2"  >>>>   f 'x  = f / x  =   -0.509989198     the exact result is    -0.509989195                ---Execution time = 52s---
                               RDN   f 'y  = f / y  =    0.183939720      the exact result is     0.183939721
                               RDN  f "xx  = 2f / x2 =  0.509989188      the exact result is     0.509989195
                               RDN  f "yy = 2f / y2 = -0.091969868      the exact result is    -0.091969860
                         LASTX  f "xy  = 2f / xy = -0.367879439    the exact result is    -0.367879441

-You have also:

       R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3   = 1.019980483  exact result = 1.019978390
       R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3 =  0.091970052   exact result = 0.091969860

Derivatives of a Function of 3 variables

-"dF3" calls  "dF" to compute the 6 partial derivatives  f 'x = f / x ; f 'y = f / y ; f 'z = f / z ;  f "xx = 2f / x2 ;  f "yy = 2f / y2 ;  f "zz = 2f / z2

   and  f "'xxx = 3f / x3      f "'yyy = 3f / y3      f "'zzz = 3f / z3

Data Registers:          •  R00 = Function name                                                ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF3" )

                                         R03 = f 'x = f / x            R06 =  f 'y = f / y           R09 = f 'z = f / z           R12 = f(x,y,z)
                                         R04 = f "xx = 2f / x2       R07 = f "yy = 2f / y2       R10 = f "zz = 2f / z2      R13 = x  R14 = y  R15 = z
                                         R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3     R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3     R11 = f "'zzz = 3f / z3

Flags: /
Subroutines:   "dF" and a program which computes f(x,y,z) assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             h            Df
           Z             z    f 'z = f / z
           Y             y    f 'y = f / y
           X             x    f 'x = f / x

   Df = Laplacian ( f ) = 2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN 

      T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "dF3"  >>>>    f 'x  = f / x  =   -1.413720683              R04 = f "xx = 2f / x2 =  1.413720682             ---Execution time = 52s---
                                RDN   f 'y  = f / y  =    0.210216822              R07 = f "yy = 2f / y2 = -0.015015424
                                RDN   f 'z  = f / z   =    0.052554204              R10 = f "zz2f / z2 = -0.007507569
    RDN    2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 =     1.409197689      and

     R05 = f "'xxx  = 3f / x3  =  2.863447421
     R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3  = -0.042900947
     R11 = f "'zzz  = 3f / z3 =   0.002145569

Mixed Derivative of a Function of 2 variables

 "MDV" calculates  2f / xy   with the new formula:

     f "xy = 2f / xy = (1/h2) SUMj=1,2,3,4,5  Aj ( fjj + f-j-j - fj-j - f-jj )

   where  A1 = 5/12     A2 = -5/84     A3 = 5/504     A4 = -5/4032     A5 = 1/12600

-This formula is exact for any polynomial of degree < 11               (   fkm =  f ( x + k.h , y + m.h )  )

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                           ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MDV" )

                                         R01 = x        R04 = f(x,y)
                                         R02 = y        R05 = f "xy = 2f / xy     R06: temp
                                         R03 = h
Flags: /
Subroutine:         A program which computes f(x,y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x  f "xy = 2f / xy

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y)    x = 1 , y = 2
  01  LBL "T"
  02  X^2
  03  CHS
  04  E^X
  05  X<>Y
  06  LN
  07  *
  08  RTN 

    T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "MDV"  >>>>    f "xy  = 2f / xy = -0.367879439              ---Execution time = 21s---

-The exact result is    -0.367879441.....


-The function is evaluated 20 times instead of 31 with the previous version.
-So, the program is faster and even seems a little more accurate.

Mixed Derivative d3F/dx2dy & d3F/dxdy2

 "MDV21" & "MDV12" employ a method of order 11 to estimate  f'''xxy = 3f / x2y  and  f'''xyy = 3f / y2x

    h3 f'''xxy ~  SUMk=1,2,...,5  Ak [ - 2 f0k + 2 f0-k  + ( fkk - f-k-k + f-kk - fk-k ) ]

 With    A1 = 5/6 ,  A2 = -5/84  ,  A3 = +5/756  ,  A4 = -5/8064  ,  A5 = +1/31500

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                 ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MDV21" or "MDV12 )

                                         R01 = x     R03 = h
                                         R02 = y     R04 = f'''xxy = 3f / x2y  or  f'''xyy = 3f / y2x     R05-R06  temp

Flag:  F02            CF 02 ->  f'''xxy = 3f / x2y
                             SF 02  ->  f'''xyy = 3f / y2x

Subroutine:  A program that takes x , y  in registers X , Y respectively and returns  f(x,y)  in X-register.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             h             /
           Z             z             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x    f'''xxy or f'''xyy

     CF 02 -> f'''xxy
     SF 02 -> f'''xyy

Example:       f(x,y,z) = Ln ( 1 + x2 y )    x = 1  ,  y = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  *
 04  LN1+X
 05  RTN

    "T"  ASTO 00    and if you choose  h = 0.1

    0.1   ENTER^
     2     ENTER^
     1     XEQ "MDV21"  >>>>   f'''xxy = 3f / x2y  =  - 0.370369497                ---Execution time = 25s---

-The exact value is  -10/27 =  - 0.370370370.....

-With the same inputs,  XEQ "MDV12"  returns   f'''xyy = 3f / y2x  =  - 0.148148268

-The exact result is  -4/27 =  - 0.148148148....

Mixed Derivative d3F/dxdydz

 "MDV3" employs a new method of order 11 to estimate  f'''xyz = 3f / xyz

    h3 f'''xyz ~  SUMk=1,2,...,5  Ak [  fkkk - f-k-k-k - fkk-k + f-k-kk - fk-kk + f-kk-k - f-kkk + fk-k-k ) ]

 With    A1 = 5/24 ,  A2 = -5/336  ,  A3 = +5/3024  ,  A4 = -5/32256  ,  A5 = +1/126000

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                        ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MDV3" )

                                         R01 = x     R04 = h
                                         R02 = y     R05 = f'''xyz = 3f / xyz
                                         R03 = z     R06-R07:  temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  A program that takes x , y , z in registers X , Y , Z respectively and returns  f(x,y,z)  in X-register.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             h             /
           Z             z             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x          f'''xyz

Example:     f(x,y,z) = Ln ( 1 + x2 + 2.y + z3 )    x = y = z = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  X<>Y
 04  ST+ X
 05  +
 06  X<>Y
 07  ENTER^
 08  X^2
 09  *
 10  +
 11  LN1+X
 12  RTN

    "T"  ASTO 00    and if you choose  h = 0.1

    0.1   ENTER^
     1     ENTER^  ENTER^   XEQ "MDV3"  >>>>   f'''xyz = 3f / xyz  =  0.192000090                ---Execution time = 39s---

-The exact value is  0.192


-With this new version, the function is evaluated 40 times instead of 70.
-The program becomes faster ( 39s instead of 62s in the example above ) and the precision better.

Mixed Derivative d4F/dx2dy2

 "MDV4" evaluates   f'''xxyy = 4f / x2y2  with a formula of order 12

  h4 f'''xxyy ~  20881861 f00 / 3240000  + SUMk=1,....,5  Ak [ fkk + f-k-k + fk-k + f-kk - 2 ( fk0 + f-k0 + f0k + f0-k ) ]

  where   A1 = 5/3 ,  A2 = -5/84  ,  A3 = +5/1134  ,  A4 = -5/16128  ,  A5 = +1/78750

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                          ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MDV4" )

                                         R01 = x     R03 = h
                                         R02 = y     R04 = f""xxyy = 4f / x2y2     R05-R06-R07:  temp

Flags:  /
Subroutine:  A program that takes x , y  in registers X , Y respectively and returns  f(x,y)  in X-register.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x         f(4)xxyy

Example:    f(x,y) = Ln ( x2 + y3 )     x = 2 , y = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  X<>Y
 04  ENTER^
 05  X^2
 06  *
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  RTN

    "T"  ASTO 00    and if you choose  h = 0.1

    0.1  ENTER^
     1    ENTER^
     2    XEQ "MDV4"   >>>>  f(4)xxyy4f / x2y2 =  - 0.038395989                                             ---Execution time = 33s---

-Exact result = - 0.0384

First Derivatives of a Function of N variables ( N < 11 )

 "FD" employs the same formula as above

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                                  ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "FD"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn      n < 11

                                           R10 = h          R11 temp         R13 = i        R15 = xi
                                           R12 =  f / xi       R14 = 0 , h , 2h , ....     R16: temp

Flags:  /
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             i    f 'xi = f / xi

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1

  LBL "T"        E^X               +                    "T"    ASTO 00
  RCL 01        RCL 02          LN                  1     STO 01   STO 02   STO 03
  X^2              X^2               *
  CHS            RCL 03          RTN

-With  h = 0.1

  0.1   ENTER^
    1    XEQ "FD"   >>>>   f 'x1 = f / x1 = -0.509989198   ( The last decimal should be a 5 )                    ---Execution time = 10s---

  0.1   ENTER^
    2       R/S     >>>>   f 'x2 = f / x2 = 0.367879440     ( The last decimal should be a 1 )                    ---Execution time = 11s---

  0.1   ENTER^
    3       R/S      >>>>   f 'x3 = f / x3 = 0.183939720     ( The last decimal should be a 1 )                    ---Execution time = 11s---

Second Derivatives of a Function of N variables ( N < 11 )

 "SD" employs the same formula as above

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                      ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "SD"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                           R10 = h      R11 temp             R13 = xi           R15 = 0 , h , 2h , ....
                                           R12 =  2f / xixj        R14 = xj            R16 =  i    R17 = j   R18: temp
Flag:  F10
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             j             /
           X             i  f "ij = 2f / xixj

Example:       f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1

  LBL "T"        E^X               +                    "T"    ASTO 00
  RCL 01        RCL 02          LN                  1     STO 01   STO 02   STO 03
  X^2              X^2               *
  CHS            RCL 03          RTN

-With  h = 0.1

  0.1  ENTER^
   1    ENTER^
         XEQ "SD"  >>>>   f "xx = 2f / x2 = 0.509989206   ( exact derivative = 0.509989195 )                   ---Execution time = 12s---

 0.1   ENTER^
   1    ENTER^
   2       R/S     >>>>   f "xy = 2f / xy = -0.735758885  ( the last decimal should be a 2 )                         ---Execution time = 24s---

Third Derivatives of a Function of N variables ( N < 11 )

 "TD" employs the same formula as above

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                       ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "TD"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                           R10 = h              R12-R18:  temp
                                           R11 =  3f / xixjxk
Flags:  F09-F10
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             j             /
           X             i  f "ij = 2f / xixj

Example:             f(x,y,z,t) = exp(-x2) Ln( y2 + z + t3 )     x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3 , t = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  CHS
 05  E^X
 06  RCL 02
 07  X^2
 08  RCL 03
 09  +
 10  RCL 04
 11  ENTER^
 12  X^2
 13  *
 14  +
 15  LN
 16  *
 17  RTN
 18  END

    "T"  ASTO 00

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     1   STO 04

  •  f'''xyz = 3f / xyz  = ?

-With   h = 0.1

     0.1  ENTER^
      1    ENTER^
      2    ENTER^
      3    XEQ "TD"   >>>>    f'''xyz = 3f / xyz  = 0.045984935                                          ---Execution time = 57s intead of 88s---

-Exact result = 0.045984930....

  •  f'''xtt = 3f / xt2  = ?

-With   h = 0.1

     0.1  ENTER^
      1    ENTER^
      4    ENTER^    XEQ "TD"   >>>>    f'''xtt = 3f / xt2  = - 0.448353739                                    ---Execution time = 42s---

-Exact result = - 0.448353069....

  •  f'''yyy = 3f / y3  = ?

-With   h = 0.1

     0.1  ENTER^
      2    ENTER^   ENTER^    XEQ "TD"   >>>>    f'''yyy = 3f / y3  = - 0.045984326                               ---Execution time = 15s---

-Exact result = - 0.0459849301...

Hessian Matrix + Gradient

 "HESSGR" calculates and sores the coefficients of the Hessian matrix H and the coefficients of the gradient G into registers R26  R27 ..... in the following way:

       W =   H  Gt      where  Gt  = transposed G              So, we get a square matrix W of order (n+1)
                 G  0

  with        H = [ hi,j ]   with  hi,j = 2f / xixj
                G = [ gk ]    with  gk = f / xi

-This form is useful to calculate the Gaussian curvature of a hypersurface.

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                      ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "HESSGR"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                 R11 = h       R12 to R25 :  temp    R26 ...... = W

Flag:  F10
Subroutines:   "FD"  "SD"  and a program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X          n < 11      26.eeemm

   Where  m = n+1

Example:    f(x,y,z) = x4 y3 z2 - 1    x = y = z = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 03
 05  *
 06  X^2
 07  RCL 02
 08  ST* Y
 09  X^2
 10  *
 11  1
 12  -
 13  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03   and  if you choose  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     XEQ "HESSGR"  >>>>    26.04104                                    ---Execution time = 111s---

-And we find the matrix W in registers  R26 to R41

      12   12   8   4
      12    6    6   3
       8     6    2   2
       4     3    2   0

                                    12  12  8
-The Hessian matrix is   12   6   6  and the gradient is  [ 4  3  2 ]
                                     8    6   2

Laplacian of a Function of N variables ( N < 11 )

 "LAPN" may be used to evaluate the Laplacian of a function of n variables, provided n < 11
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             n      Laplacian(f)

  where n is the number of variables

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2.t).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 , t = 1

  LBL "T"       RCL 04      X^2           *                     "T"   ASTO 00
  RCL 01       *                 RCL 03     RTN                 1    STO 01  STO 02  STO 03  STO 04
  X^2             E^X            +
  CHS            RCL 02      LN

-With h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    4     XEQ "LAPN"  >>>>    Laplacian(f) =  2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 + 2f / t2 = 0.673013929                  ---Execution time = 54s---

 ( the last 2 decimals should be 32 )

D'Alembertian Operator

-The d'Alembertian of a function of 4 variables f(x,y,z,t) is defined as:

   (1/c2) 2f / t2 - ( 2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 )       where  c = speed of light

-Here, we assume the units are choosen so that c = 1
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             h  d'Alembertian(f)

Example:    f(x,y,z,t) = exp(-t) ( x2 + y2 + z2 )       x = y = z = t = 1
 01 LBL "T"
 02 RCL 01
 03 X^2
 04 RCL 02
 05 X^2
 06 RCL 03
 07 X^2
 08 +
 09 +
 10 RCL 04
 11 CHS
 12 E^X
 13 *
 14 RTN

   T  ASTO 00

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03  STO 04

  0.1  XEQ "DAL"  >>>>   d'Alembertian(f) = -1.103638055                                   ---Execution time = 46s---


-Several authors define the d'Alembertian as  2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 - (1/c2) 2f / t2
-Simply change the sign of the result.

Heat Operator

-It is defined by   f / t - D ( 2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 )      where D is a positive constant
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             D         Heat(f)

Example:      f(x,y,z,t) = exp(-t) ( x2 + y2 + z2 )       x = y = z = t = 1       D = 0.7
 01 LBL "T"
 02 RCL 01
 03 X^2
 04 RCL 02
 05 X^2
 06 RCL 03
 07 X^2
 08 +
 09 +
 10 RCL 04
 11 CHS
 12 E^X
 13 *
 14 RTN

   T  ASTO 00

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03  STO 04

  0.1  ENTER^
  0.7  XEQ "HEAT"  >>>>   Heat(f) = -2.648731654                                   ---Execution time = 44s---

Biharmonic Operator ( 3-Dim )

-The Biharmonic Operator ( also called Bilaplacian ) is defined as

       D2 f = 4f / x4 + 4f / y4 + 4f / z4 + 2 ( 4f / x2y2 + 4f / x2z2 + 4f / y2z2 )

-"BHRM3" uses the following approximation

   h4 D2 f  ~  A f000
               + B1 ( f100 + f-100 + f010 + f0-10 + f001 + f00-1 )  + C1 ( f110 + f-1-10 + f1-10 + f-110 + f101 + f-10-1 + f10-1 + f-101 + f011 + f0-1-1 + f01-1 + f0-11 )
               + B2 ( f200 + f-200 + f020 + f0-20 + f002 + f00-2 )  + C2 ( f220 + f-2-20 + f2-20 + f-220 + f202 + f-20-2 + f20-2 + f-202 + f022 + f0-2-2 + f02-2 + f0-22 )
               + B3 ( f300 + f-300 + f030 + f0-30 + f003 + f00-3 )  + C3 ( f330 + f-3-30 + f3-30 + f-330 + f303 + f-30-3 + f30-3 + f-303 + f033 + f0-3-3 + f03-3 + f0-33 )
               + B4 ( f400 + f-400 + f040 + f0-40 + f004 + f00-4 )  + C4 ( f440 + f-4-40 + f4-40 + f-440 + f404 + f-40-4 + f40-4 + f-404 + f044 + f0-4-4 + f04-4 + f0-44 )
               + B5 ( f500 + f-500 + f050 + f0-50 + f005 + f00-5 )  + C5 ( f550 + f-5-50 + f5-50 + f-550 + f505 + f-50-5 + f50-5 + f-505 + f055 + f0-5-5 + f05-5 + f0-55 )

     where  fijk = f ( x+i.h , y+j.h , z+k.h )    and

     A = 41523361 / 540000  ,   B1 =  -4069 / 180             C1 =  +10 / 3
                                                 B2 =  +4969 / 1260          C2 =  -10 / 84
                                                 B3 =  -2201 / 3240           C3 =  +10 / 1134
                                                 B4 =  +371 / 4320            C4 =  -10 / 16128
                                                 B5 =  -5221 / 945000       C5 =  +2 / 78750

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                               ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "BHRM3" )

                                         R01 = x        R04 = h
                                         R02 = y        R05 = D2 f
                                         R03 = z        R06-R07-R08-R09-R10:  temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:         A program which computes f(x,y,z) assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T            h             /
           Z             z             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x          D2 f

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN 

      T  ASTO 00

-If you choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "BHRM"  >>>> D2 f = -14.34278111 = R05             ---Execution time = 1m41s---

-The exact result is  -14.34264116  ( relative error about 1 E-5 )

-With h = 0.2  it yields   -14.34286490 and with h = 0.15  we get  -14.34270102


-91 evaluations of the function are performed (!).
-The formula is of order 10 but - due to cancellation of leading digits - there are seldom more than 5 or 6 significant digits.

Triharmonic Operator ( 3-Dim )

-The triharmonic operator is the trilaplacian operator = the Laplacian of the Laplacian of the Laplacian of a function f

-"THRM" employs a method of order 10  to evaluate

   D3 f = 6f / x6 + 6f / y6 + 6f / z6 + 3 ( 6f / x4y2 + 6f / x4z2 + 6f / y4z2 + 6f / x2y4 + 6f / x2z4 + 6f / y2z4 ) + 6 6f / x2y2z2

   h6 D3 f  ~  SUMm=1....5  Am ( fm00 + f-m00 + f0m0 + f0-m0 + f00m + f00-m - 6 f000 )
                                     + Bm ( fmm0 + f-m-m0 + fm-m0 + f-mm0 + fm0m + f-m0-m + fm0-m + f-m0m + f0mm + f0-m-m + f0m-m + f0-mm - 12 f000 )
                                     + Cm ( fmmm + f-m-m-m + fmm-m + f-m-mm + fm-mm + f-mm-m + fm-m-m + f-mmm - 8 f000 )

     where  fijk = f ( x+i.h , y+j.h , z+k.h )    and

     A1 = +22997 / 120                  B1 = - 2869 / 60                C1 = + 10
     A2 = - 12709 / 420                  B2 = + 667 / 240               C2 = - 5 / 56
     A3 = + 858391 / 136080         B3 = - 15007 / 68040        C3 = + 5 / 1701
     A4 = - 137843 / 161280          B4 = + 5119 / 322560       C4 = - 5 / 43008
     A5 = + 894317 / 15750000     B5 = - 739 / 1125000        C5 = + 1 / 328125

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                                 ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "THRM" )

                                         R01 = x        R04 = h
                                         R02 = y        R05 = D3 f
                                         R03 = z        R06 to R12:  temp   ( R07 = 6 f(x,y,z) )
Flags:  /
Subroutine:         A program which computes f(x,y,z) assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T          h > 0             /
           Z             z             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x     D3 f(x,y,z)

Example:      f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN

      T  ASTO 00

-If you choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "THRM"  >>>> D3 f (1,2,3) = 133.675100 = R05                                                 ---Execution time = 2m42s---

-With a similar program, the HP48 - which works with 12 digits - gives  133.533179


-Fourth derivatives are already difficult to evaluate numerically but here,
 there will be seldom more than 3 or 4 significant digits !
-The function f is evaluated 131 times.

Arc Length of a Parametric Curve ( 3-Dim )

 "CRVL" evaluates the integral  §ab  [ ( dX/dt )2 + ( dY/dt )2 + ( dZ/dt )2 ] 1/2  dt

-Romberg method is used with Pythagora's theorem.

Data Registers:         •  R00 = Function name                                 ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "CRVL"  )

                                        R01 = a      R03 = L      R04 to R09: temp    R20, R21, .... are used by "ROM"
                                        R02 = b
Flags: /
Subroutines:  3 programs LBL "X"  LBL "Y"  LBL "Z"  that take t in X-register and return  X(t) , Y(t) , Z(t)  in register X  respectively
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             a             /
           X             b        L(a,b)

Example:    X(t) = t4 ,  Y(t) = t2  ,  Z(t) = exp t   ;  a = 0 ,  b = 1
 01  LBL "X"
 02  X^2
 03  X^2
 04  RTN 
 05  LBL "Y"
 06  X^2
 07  RTN
 08  LBL "Z"
 09  E^X"
 10  RTN

     0     ENTER^
     1     XEQ "CRVL"  >>>>   L = 2.342116456                        ---Execution time = 2m49s---


-The HP41 displays the successive approximations
-Exact result  = 2.342116459....

Gaussian Curvature & Mean Curvature of a Surface

-"KGM" calculates the Gaussian curvature KG and the mean curvature Km of a surface defined by a function  z = z(x,y)

-The Gaussian Curvature KG is be computed by:

   KG = [ ( 2z / x2 ) ( 2z / y2 ) - ( 2z / xy )2 ] / [ 1 + ( z / x )2 + ( z / y )2 ]2

-The mean curvature Km is given by:

    Km = (1/2) [ t ( 1+p2 ) + r ( 1+q2 ) - 2 p q s ] / ( 1+p2+q2 )3/2

   where  p = z / x , q = z / y,  r = 2z / x2,  s = 2z / xy,  t = 2z / y2

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                   ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "KGM" )

                                         R01 to R15:  temp
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "dF2" and a program that takes x in X-register, y in Y-register and returns z(x,y) in X-register
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             y            Km
           X             x            KG

Example:   A surface is defined by  z(x,y) = Ln ( 1 + x2 y3 )    Calculate the Gaussian & mean curvatures at the point  (x,y) = (1,1)
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  X<>Y
 04  ST* Y
 05  X^2
 06  *
 07  LN1+X
 08  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00   and if you choose h = 0.1

     0.1  ENTER^
      1    ENTER^    XEQ "KGM"  >>>>   KG = -0.124570010                             ---Execution time = 49s instead of 58s---
                                                     X<>Y  Km = -0.171204283


-If  KG > 0  we have an elliptic point
-If  KG < 0  we have a hyperbolic point
-If  KG = 0  we have a parabolic point

-With a sphere, you'll get   K =  1 / R2  where  R = radius of the sphere.

Gaussian Curvature & Mean Curvature of a HyperSurface

 -Here, we assume that the hypersurface is defined implicitly by   f( x1 , ........... , xn ) = 0            ( n < 11 )


   KG = - ( det W ) / ( - | Grad f | )n+1      where  W is defined in paragraph 1°) c)

   Km = [ Grad f x H x TGrad f  -  | Grad f |2 Trace (H) ] / (n-1) / | Grad f |3     where  H = Hessian matrix

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                                  ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "KGMN"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                 R11 = h       R12 to R25 :  temp    R26 ...... = W

Flag:  F10
Subroutines:  "HESSGR" and a program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /        det W
           Y             h            Km
           X         n < 11            KG

Example:   The surface ( n = 3 )   x4 y3 z2 - 1 = 0   with  x = y = z = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 03
 05  *
 06  X^2
 07  RCL 02
 08  ST* Y
 09  X^2
 10  *
 11  1
 12  -
 13  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03   and  if you choose  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     XEQ "KGMN"  >>>>      KG  =  0.256837099                             ---Execution time = 137s---
                                     RDN      Km  =  0.518666290
                                    X<>Y  det W = - 216


-This program does not check that  f(x1, ..... ,xn) = 0
-The matrix W is not saved.

Curvature & Torsion of a Parametric Curve ( 3 Dimensions )

-We assume that the curve is parameterized by 3 functions  x(t) , y(t) , z(t)

-The curvature is calculated by   khi = | r' x r'' | / | r' |3                                      where  the vector  r = [ x(t) , y(t) , z(t) ]
                   and the torsion by   tau = ( r' x r'' ) .r''' / | r' x r'' |2                        x = cross-product  and  . = dot-product

Data Registers:              R00 & R05 to R15:  temp
                                         R01 = t  R02 = h   R03 = khi   R04 = tau
Flags: /
Subroutines:    "dF" and  3 functions named  "X"  "Y"  "Z"   that compute x(t) , y(t) , z(t)  assuming t is in X-register upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h          tau(t)
           X             t          khi(t)

Example:   The curve defined by   x(t) = et cos t  ,  y(t) = et sin t  ,  z(t) = Ln(t)        ( t expressed in radians )

-Evaluate the curvature khi (t) and the torsion tau (t) for t = 1.3

-Load the following routines in main memory
 01  LBL "X"
 02  E^X
 03  LASTX
 04  COS
 05  *
 06  RTN
 07  LBL "Y"
 08  E^X
 09  LASTX
 10  SIN
 11  *
 12  RTN
 13  LBL "Z"
 14  LN
 15  RTN

   XEQ "RAD"   and if you choose  h = 0.1

    0.1   ENTER^
    1.3   XEQ "KHT"  >>>>  khi (1.3)  = 0.194807823                       ---Execution time = 46s---
                                 X<>Y  tau (1.3)  = 0.123665258

-The exact values are   khi (1.3) = 0.194807823  &  tau (1.3) = 0.123665529

Curvature & Torsion of a Parametric Curve ( N Dimensions )

-The method follows the Gram-Schmidt process ( cf references [2] & [3] )

Data Registers:              R00 & R05 to R09 & R11 to R5n+12:  temp

                                         R01 = t    R03 = khi
                                         R02 = h   R04 = tau
Flags: /
Subroutines:    "dF" and  n functions named  "X1"  "X2" ........... "XN"   that compute x1(t) , x2(t) , ........ , xn(t)  assuming t is in X-register upon entry
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z          n < 62             /
           Y             h          tau(t)
           X             t          khi(t)

Example:   The curve defined by

     x1(t) = t4       x3(t) = t3      at the point  t = 1
     x2(t) = t2       x4(t) = et
 01  LBL "X1"
 02  X^2
 03  X^2
 04  RTN
 05  LBL "X2"
 06  X^2
 07  RTN
 08  LBL "X3"
 09  ENTER^
 10  X^2
 11  *
 12  RTN
 13  LBL "X4"
 14  E^X
 15  RTN

-If you choose  h = 0.1

     4   ENTER^
   0.1  ENTER^
     1   XEQ "KHTN"   >>>>   khi (1)  = 0.142277239                       ---Execution time = 71s---
                                   X<>Y  tau (1)  = 0.121469324


-If n = 3, the sign of tau may be different from the result given by "KHT" because Gram-Schmidt process doesn't always give a direct basis.
-So use KHT in this case, which is also faster.

Curl, Divergence, Gradient & Laplacian

 "CDGL"  computes the Curl , divergence, gradient and Laplacian of a 3D-Vector Field   E= ( f , g , h ) = ( X , Y , Z )

      • If the coordinates are rectangular, clear flags F01 & F02
      • If the coordinates are cylindrical, set F01 and clear F02
      • If the coordinates are spherical, set F02                                            ( if F02 & F01 are set, F01 is automatically cleared )

-In the last 2 cases, the HP41 sets the RAD mode automatically.
-Flag F01 is cleared if flag F02 is set ( lines 02-03 ).


    •  Rectangular Coordinates x , y , z

  Curl E = ( h/y - g/z , f/z - h/x , g/x - f/y )

  Div E  =  f/x + g/y + h/z

  Grad f = ( f/x , f/y , f/z )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2      and similar formulae for g & h

-The coordinates of the vector Laplacian are simply the Laplacians of the coordinates
  ( It's not so simple in cylindrical & spherical coordinates... )

    •  Cylindrical Coordinates r , f , z

  Curl E = [ (1/r) h/¶f - g/z , f/z - h/r , (1/r) ( g + r g/r - f/¶f ) ]

  Div E  =  f/r + (1/r) f + (1/r) g/¶f + h/z

 Grad f = ( f/r , (1/r) f/¶f , f/z )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / r2 + (1/r) f/r + (1/r2) 2f / ¶f2 + 2f / z2      and similar formulae for g & h

-For the vector-laplacian, the formulas are given  here

    •  Spherical Coordinates r , q , f

  Curl E = [ (1/(r.sin q) ) ( h cos q + sin q h/¶q - g/¶f ) , (1/(r.sin q) ) f/¶f - h/r - h / r , (1/r) ( g + r g/r - f/¶q ) ]

  Div E  = f/r + (2/r) f + g (cos q)/(r sin q)  + (1/r) g/¶q + (1/(r sin q)) h/¶f

 Grad f = ( f/r , (1/r) f/¶q , (1/(r sin q))  f/¶f )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / r2 + (2/r) f/r + (1/r2) 2f / ¶q2 + (1/(r2tan q)f / ¶q + (1/(r2sin2q)) 2f / ¶f2      and similar formulae for g & h

-For the vector-laplacian, the formula, even more complicated than the cylindrical case, is given here

Data Registers:              R00 = h        ( at the end )

                                        R01 = x         R04-R05-R06 = Curl E       R08-R09-R10 = Grad (X)    R17 = Lap (X)    R20 to R22 = Vector Laplacian
                                        R02 = y         R07 = Div E                         R11-R12-R13 = Grad (Y)   R18 = Lap (Y)
                                        R03 = z                                                     R14-R15-R16 = Grad (Z)    R19 = Lap (Z)

                                        R23 to R38 contain the same results as R04 to R19

Flags: /
Subroutines:     3 programs named "X"  "Y"  "Z"  which compute X(x,y,z) , Y(x,y,z) and Z(x,y,z)
                            assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK       INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T            h         Div E
           Z            x3        Curl3 E
           Y            x2        Curl2 E
           X            x1        Curl1 E
           L             /         4.022

    4.022 = control number of all the results.

Example1 - Rectangular Coordinates:   CF 01  CF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = [ exp(-x2) Ln(y2+z) , x2y2z2 , exp(x) y2z ]     With  x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3

-Load the short routines:
 01  LBL "X"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN 
 12  LBL "Y"
 13  *
 14  *
 15  X^2
 16  RTN
 17  LBL "Z"
 18  E^X
 19  RDN
 20  X^2
 21  *
 22  R^
 23  *
 24  RTN

      CF 01   CF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

  0.1  ENTER^
   3    ENTER^
   2    ENTER^
   1    XEQ "CDGL+"  >>>>     8.619381890  = R04                                                                    ---Execution time = 90s---
                                   RDN    -32.56682780  = R05
                                   RDN     71.78978318  = R06
                                   RDN     45.44140669  = R07

-So,  Curl E = ( 8.619381890 ,  -32.56682780 ,  71.78978318 )

 and    Div E = 45.44140669

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( -1.431720683 , 0.210216822 , 0.052554204 )
    Grad g = ( 72 , 36 , 24 )
    Grad h = ( 32.61938200 , 32.61938189 , 10.87312737 )

    Lapl f = 1.409197689
    Lapl g = 98                               which are also in R20 thru R22
    Lapl h = 48.92907013

Example2 - Cylindrical Coordinates:   SF 01  CF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = (  r z2 sin2f , r2 z , r3 z cos f )                   r = 2 , f = PI/5 , z = 1
 01  LBL "X"
 02  RDN
 03  SIN
 04  *
 05  X^2
 06  R^
 07  *
 08  RTN
 09  LBL "Y"
 10  X^2
 11  RCL Z
 12  *
 13  RTN
 14  LBL "Z"
 15  X^2
 16  LASTX
 17  *
 18  X<>Y
 19  COS
 20  *
 21  *
 22  RTN

    SF 01   CF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

     0.1   ENTER^
   PI  5  /
      2    R/S   >>>>    -6.351141010  = R04                                                                     ---Execution time = 94s---
                     RDN    -8.326237923  = R05
                     RDN     5.048943482  = R06
                     RDN     7.163118954  = R07

-So,  Curl E = ( -6.351141010 ,  -8.326237923 ,  5.048943482 )

 and    Div E = 7.163118954

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( 0.345491503 , 0.951056518 , 1.381966010 )
    Grad g = ( 4 , 0 , 4 )
    Grad h = ( 9.708203933 , -2.351141010 , 6.472135948 )

    Lapl f = 1.863728736
    Lapl g = 4
    Lapl h = 12.94427209

-And the coordinates of the vector-laplacian in R20 to R22

  VLap =  ( 1.690982985 , 3.951056518 , 12.94427209 )

-In cylindrical coordinates, the 3rd coordinate of the vector-laplacian = the Laplacian of the 3rd coordinate.
-This is not true in spherical coordinates:

Example2 - Spherical Coordinates:    CF 01  SF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = (  r sin2 q cos2 f , r2sin f  , r3 cos q cos2 f )                   r = 2 , q = PI/3 , f = PI/5
 01  LBL "X"
 02  RDN
 03  SIN
 04  X<>Y
 05  COS
 06  *
 07  X^2
 08  R^
 09  *
 10  RTN
 11  LBL "Y"
 12  X^2
 13  RCL Z
 14  SIN
 15  *
 16  RTN
 17  LBL "Z"
 18  X^2
 19  LASTX
 20  *
 21  X<>Y
 22  COS
 23  *
 24  X<>Y
 25  COS
 26  X^2
 27  *
 28  RTN

   CF 01    SF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

   PI  5  /
   PI  3  /
      2    R/S   >>>>   -3.379867348  = R04                                                                     ---Execution time = 145s---
                     RDN    -6.059707088  = R05
                     RDN     2.959890530  = R06
                     RDN    -0.045010876  = R08

-So,  Curl E = ( -3.379867348 ,  -6.059707088 ,  2.959890530 )

 and    Div E = -0.045010876

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( 0.490881375 , 0.566820985 , -0.823639103 )
    Grad g = ( 2.351141010 , 0 , 1.868344718 )
    Grad h = ( 3.927050990 , -2.267283945 , -2.196370945 )

    Lapl f = 0.018237234
    Lapl g = 2.742997604
    Lapl h = 5.721039300

-And the coordinates of the vector-laplacian in R20 to R22

  VLap =  ( 1.045010859 , 3.794180276 , 5.103411526 )

Differential Equation with a Runge-Kutta Formula of order 7

  "RK7" solves the differential equation

       y' = f(x,y)   with initial value   y(x0) = y0

-This method requires 9 evaluations of the function per step

Data Registers:       •  R00 =  f name                                                ( Registers R00 to R04 are to be initialized before executing "RK7" )

                                  •  R01 = x0      •   R03 =  h = the stepsize                      R05  to R12: temp
                                  •  R02 = y0      •   R04 = N = the number of steps         R20 to R54: Coefficients

Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 and  dy/dx = -2 x.y     Evaluate  y(1)
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  ST+ X
 04  CHS
 05  RTN

  "T" ASTO 00

   0    STO 01
   1    STO 02    and if we choose  h = 0.1
 0.1   STO 03
 10    STO 04    XEQ "RK7"   >>>>        x  =  1                                                       ---Execution time = 97s---
                              X<>Y                     y(1) = 0.3678794415

-The exact result is 0.3678794412...


-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-The next step will be faster because the constants do not have to be stored again ( 86s )
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 27 = 128 )

System of 2 Differential Equations with a Runge-Kutta Formula of order 7

  "2RK7" solves the system

       y' = f(x,y,z)     with initial values     y(x0) = y0
       z' = g(x,y,z)                                   z(x0) = z0

Data Registers:      •  R00 =  f name                                           ( Registers R00 to R05 are to be initialized before executing "2RK7" )

                                 •  R01 = x0       •  R04 = h = stepsize                       R06 to R19: temp    R55: counter
                                 •  R02 = y0       •  R05 = N = number of steps          R20 to R54: Coefficients
                                 •  R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program calculating f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       z(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1 ;  z(0) = 0  ;  dy/dx = z , dz/dx = -2 x.z -2 y   ;    calculate  y(1) and z(1)
 01  LBL "U"
 02  RCL Z
 03  *
 04  +
 05  ST+ X
 06  CHS
 07  RTN

"U" ASTO 00

 0    STO 01
 1    STO 02
 0    STO 03   and if we choose  h = 0.1
0.1  STO 04
10   STO 05    XEQ "2RK7"   >>>>        x = 1                                                       ---Execution time = 157s---
                              RDN                      y(1) =  0.3678794408
                              RDN                      z(1) = -0.7357588818

-Exact results are  y = 0.3678794412...  &  z = -0.7357588823...


-Press R/S to continue with the same h and N.
-Start over with a smaller stepsize to obtain an error estimate ( when h is divided by 2 , errors are approximately divided by 27 = 128 )

Differential Equation with a Runge-Kutta-Nystrom Formula of order 6

 "RKN6" solves the conservative differential equation

     y" = f(x,y)     with the initial values:     y(x0) = y0     y'(x0) = y'0

-Five stages are sufficient to get a 6-th order formula.

Data Registers:    •   R00 = f name                        ( Registers R00 thru R05  are to be initialized before executing "RKN6" )

                               •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h  = stepsize                   R06 to R10: temp
                               •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps
                               •   R03 = y'0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program which calculates f(x,y) in X-register, assuming  x and y  are in registers X and Y upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /       y'(x0+N.h) 
           Y             /       y(x0+N.h) 
           X             /          x0+N.h

Example:     y(0) = 1  ,   y'(0) = 1  ,   y" = - y ( x2 + y2 ) 1/2

 >>> Calculate  y(1) & y'(1)

-Load this short routine:
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  RCL Y
 04  X^2
 05  +
 06  SQRT
 07  *
 08  CHS
 09  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

   0  STO 01  STO 03  1  STO 02

-With h = 0.1  and  N = 10

   0.1  STO 04  10  STO 05

  XEQ "RKN6"   >>>>     x   = 1                                                                       ---Execution time = 72s---
                           RDN   y(1) =  0.536630617
                           RDN   y'(1) = -0.860171927

-The exact results, rounded to 10D are

    y(1) =  0.5366306164
    y'(1) = -0.8601719268


-Press R/S  to continue the calculations ( after changing h & N in registers R04 & R05 if need be )

System of 2 Differential Equations with Runge-Kutta-Nystrom of order 6

  "2RKN6" solves the system:

     y" = f(x,y,z)         y(x0) = y0     y'(x0) = y'0
     z" = g(x,y,z)         z(x0) = z0     z'(x0) = z'0

Data Registers:    •   R00:  subroutine name                                  ( Registers R00 thru R07  are to be initialized before executing "2RKN6" )

                               •   R01 = x0      •   R04 = h =  stepsize                        •   R06 = y'0          R08 to R16: temp
                               •   R02 = y0      •   R05 = N = number of steps            •   R07 = z'0
                               •   R03 = z0
Flags: /
Subroutine:  a program which calculates f(x;y;z) in Y-register and g(x;y;z) in X-register
                       assuming x is in X-register , y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /     z(x0+N.h)
           Y             /     y(x0+N.h)
           X             /       x0+N.h


     d2y/dx2 =  -y.z                  y(0) = 2    y'(0) = 1         Evaluate  y(1) , z(1) , y'(1) , z'(1)    with  h = 0.1  &  N = 10
     d2z/dx2 =  x.( y + z )         z(0) = 1    z'(0) = 1
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RDN
 03  STO Z
 04  X<>Y
 05  CHS
 06  ST* Z
 07  -
 08  R^
 09  *
 10  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

    0     STO 01              1  STO 06
    2     STO 02              1  STO 07
    1     STO 03
  0.1    STO 04
   10    STO 05

 XEQ "2RKN6"  >>>>     x   =  1                                                                                            ---Execution time = 109s---
                            RDN   y(1) = 1.531356647     and   R06 = y'(1) = -2.312840139
                            RDN   z(1) = 2.620254282              R07 = z'(1) =  2.941748401

-The precision is almost perfect, since the exact results - rounded to 9D - are

      y(1) =  1.531356646      y'(1) = -2.312840137
      z(1) =  2.620254281      z'(1) =  2.941748399

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h & N in registers R04 & R05 if need be )

System of N Differential Equations with Gill-Runge-Kutta ( order 4 )

-The Gill's method is a 4-stage 4th order Runge-Kutta method to solve differential equations,
  but the coefficients are choosen so that the formulae may be written
  to use only 3 registers per variable instead of 4 registers in the "classical" RK4.
-So, we can solve larger systems of ODE.

-We have to solve the system:

     dy1/dx = f1(x,y1, ... ,yn)
     dy2/dx = f2(x,y1, ... ,yn)
             ..................                         with the initial values:     yi(x0)         i = 1 , ... , n

     dyn/dx = fn(x,y1, ... ,yn)

Data Registers:           •  R00 = subroutine name         ( Registers R00 thru R03 and R20 thru R20+n are to be initialized before executing "GRK" )

                                      •  R01 = n  = number of equations = number of functions              R04 thru R17: temp        R18 & R19 are unused
                                      •  R02 = h  = stepsize
                                      •  R03 = N = number of steps

                                      •  R20 = x0
                                      •  R21 = y1(x0)                                                                           R21+n thru R20+3n: temp
                                      •  R22 =  y2(x0)
                                          ...............         ( initial values )

                                      •  R20+n = yn(x0)
Flags: /
Subroutine:   A program which calculates and stores  f1 ( x, y1 , ... , yn) , ... , fn ( x, y1 , ... , yn)  in registers  R21+n, ... , R20+2n  respectively
                        with  x, y1, ... , yn in regiters R20, R21, ... , R20+n
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /      y3(x0+N.h)
           Z             /      y2(x0+N.h)
           Y             /      y1(x0+N.h)
           X             /         x0+N.h

Example:      Solve the system:

      dy1/dx = - y1y2y3
      dy2/dx =  x ( y1+y2-y3 )
      dy3/dx =  xy1- y2y3

   with the initial values:   y1(0) = 1 ; y2(0) = 1 ; y3(0) = 2
 01  LBL "T"
 02  RCL 21
 03  RCL 22
 04  RCL 23
 05  *
 06  *
 07  CHS
 08  STO 24
 09  RCL 21
 10  RCL 22
 11  +
 12  RCL 23
 13  -
 14  RCL 20
 15  *
 16  STO 25
 17  LASTX
 18  RCL 21
 19  *
 20  RCL 22
 21  RCL 23
 22  *
 23  -
 24  STO 26
 25  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

 Initial values:

           0   STO 20
           1   STO 21    STO 22
           2   STO 23

 n  =  3     STO 01    ( 3 functions )
 h  = 0.1   STO 02
 N = 10   STO 03    XEQ "GRK"  >>>>      x    = 1                     = R20               ---Execution time = 145s---
                                                     RDN    y1(1) = 0.258210908  = R21                                                                         y1(1) = 0.258207906
                                                     RDN    y2(1) = 1.157620520  = R22         the exact results, rounded to 9D are          y2(1) = 1.157623981
                                                     RDN    y3(1) = 0.842179307  = R23                                                                         y3(1) = 0.842178312

-To continue the calculations, simply press R/S  ( after changing h & N in registers R02 & R03 if need be )

-There is no built-in error estimate, so we must do the calculations again with a smaller stepsize h.
-With h = 0.05 & N = 20, it yields:

    y1(1) = 0.258208088
    y2(1) = 1.157623789
    y3(1) = 0.842178380


-Since the SIZE = 3n+21 instead of 4n+11 with RK4, we save registers only for n > 10
-Theoretically, "GRK" could solve a system of 99 differential equations.
-The method seems slightly more accurate than RK4 to solve the gravitational n-body problem...

Gauss-Legendre Integration ( 16-point Formula )

Data Registers:       •  R00 = Function name                       ( Registers R00 thru R03 are to be initialized before executing "GL16" )

                                  •  R01 = a
                                  •  R02 = b
                                  •  R03 = n = number of subintervals over which the formula is applied.  R04 = Integral         R05 thru R26: temp

Flags:  /
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x)  assuming x is in X-register upon entry.
      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           X            /     §ab f(x).dx

Example:     Evaluate  §03  e-x^4 dx
 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  X^2
 04  CHS
 05  E^X
 06  RTN

 "T"  ASTO 00

  0    STO 01
  3    STO 02

      n = 1    1  STO 03  XEQ "GL16"  >>>>  0.906402825                                    ---Execution time = 19s---
      n = 2    2  STO 03        R/S           >>>>  0.906402476                                    ---Execution time = 27s---

Double & Tripple Integrals with 3-point Gauss-Legendre Formula

 "DTI"  evaluates:

      §ab §u(x)v(x)  f(x,y) dx dy                                 if flag F03 is clear  and

      §ab §u(x)v(x)  §w(x,y)t(x,y)   f (x,y,z) dx dy dz    if flagF03 is set

-Gauss-Legendre 3-point formula is used
-You can divide each interval of integration by n  to get a better precision

-To save data registers and execution time,

    one subroutine must calculate u(x) in X-register & v(x) in Y-register
    and - for tripple integrals- another one must return w(x,y) in X-register and t(x,y) in Y-register

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                                   ( Registers R00 thru R04 or R05 are to be initialized before executing "DTI" )

                                      •  R01 = a         •  R04 = uv-name           R06 = Integral          R07 to R20:temp
                                      •  R02 = b         •  R05 = wt-name
                                      •  R03 = n

Flag:  CF 03 for double integrals
           SF 03 for tripple integrals

Subroutines:  2 or 3 subroutines:

      -The first one must take x, y and z from the X-register,the Y-register and the Z-register respectively and calculate f(x;y;z).
      -The second one takes x from the X-register and calculates u(x) and v(x) in registers X & Y respectively
      -The third one takes x and y from X and Y registers respectively and returns w(x,y) & t(x,y) in registers X & Y respectively
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /             I

Example1:   Evaluate  I = §12 §xx^2 sqrt(1+x4 y4) dx dy.
 01  LBL "T"
 02  *
 03  X^2
 04  X^2
 05  SIGN
 06  LAST X
 07  +
 08  SQRT
 09  RTN
 10  LBL "U"
 11  X^2
 12  LASTX
 13  RTN

   "T" ASTO 00

    1     STO 01
    2     STO 02

  "U"  ASTO 04

         CF 03

    n = 1     1  STO 03  XEQ "DTI"  >>>   15.45937082 = R06                            ---Execution time = 10s---
    n = 2     2  STO 03      R/S          >>>   15.46673275
    n = 4     4  STO 03      R/S          >>>   15.46686031
    n = 8     8  STO 03      R/S          >>>   15.46686245  ... all the digits are correct!


-When n is multiplied by 2, execution time is roughly multiplied by 4)

Example2:      Evaluate   I = §12 §xx^2 §x+yxy  xyz / sqrt ( x2 + y2 + z2 ) dx dy dz
 01  LBL "T"
 02  ENTER^
 03  X^2
 04  R^
 05  ST* Z
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  R^
 09  ST* Z
 10  X^2
 11  +
 12  SQRT
 13  /
 14  RTN
 15  LBL "U"
 16  X^2
 17  LASTX
 18  RTN
 19  LBL "W"
 21  STO Z
 22  X<>Y
 23  ST* Z
 24  +
 25  RTN

    " T"   ASTO 00

      1      STO 01
      2      STO 02

    "U"    ASTO 04
    "W"   ASTO 05

        SF 03

         n = 1      1  STO 03    XEQ "DTI"  >>>>    I1 =  0.765014888                                    ---Execution time = 38s---
         n = 2      2  STO 03         R/S         >>>>    I2 =  0.770640690                                   ---Execution time = 4m06s---
         n = 4      4  STO 03         R/S         >>>>    I4 =  0.770731245
         n = 8      8  STO 03         R/S         >>>>    I8 =  0.770732669


-The exact value is 0.7707326901 rounded to 10D
-Unfortunately, with triple integrals, when n is multiplied by 2, execution time is roughly multiplied by 8 !

Multiple Integrals with 3-point Gauss-Legendre Formula

 "MIT" also uses Gauss-Legendre 3-point formula to estimate:

    §ab §u1(x1)v1(x1)  §u2(x1,x2)v2(x1,x2) .........  §u(n-1)(x1,...,x(n-1))v(n-1)(x1,...,x(n-1))   f(x1,x2,....;xn)  dx1dx2....dxn   ( n < 7 )

    i-e integrals , double integrals , ...... , up to sextuple integrals, provided the subroutines do not contain any XEQ.

-This limitation is only due to the fact that the return stack can accomodate up to 6 pending return addresses.

>>> The same trick as above is used to save execution time: only one subroutine for each pair of endpoints

Data Registers:       R00 = m =  number of  §

                                 R01 = x1 ;  R02 = x2 ; .......... ;  R06 = x6

                                 R07 = 7 ; R08 = 4 ; R09 = 2 ; R10 = 1.6 ; R11 = 3.6 ; R12 = 0.151/2 ; R13 = 0.61/2   ;    R14 thru R17 = control numbers

                     R18 = f name

                     R19 = n = number of sub-intervals       R25 = u1v1 name         R31 = u2v2 name         .....................     R49 = u5v5 name
                     R20 = a                                               R26 = u1(x1)               R32 = u2(x1;x2)           .....................     R50 = u5(x1;x2;...;x5)
                     R21 = b                                               R27 = v1(x1)               R33 = u2(x1;x2)           .....................     R51 = v5(x1;x2;...;x5)
                     R22 = (b-a)/n                                      R28 = (v1-u1)/n           R34 = (v2-u2)/n           .....................     R52 = (v5-u5)/n
                     R23 = index                                         R29 = index                R35 = index                .....................     R53 =  index
                     R24 = partial sum,                                R30 = partial sum        R36 = partial sum       .....................      R54 = partial sum
               and, finally, the integral

Flags: /
Subroutines:  The functions  f ;  uv1 ; uv2 ; ....... are to be computed assuming  x1 is in R01 ; x2 is in R02 ; ........

Example:    Evaluate   I  =  §13  §xx^2  §x+yx.y  §zx+z   ln(x2+y/z+t)
 01 LBL "T"
 02 RCL 01
 03 X^2
 04 RCL 02
 05 RCL 03
 06 /
 07 +
 08 RCL 04
 09 +
 10 LN
 11 RTN
 12 LBL "U"
 13 RCL 01
 14 X^2
 16 RTN
 17 LBL "V"
 18 RCL 01
 19 RCL 02
 20 ST* Y
 21 RCL 01
 22 +
 23 RTN
 24 LBL "W"
 25 RCL 01
 26 RCL 03
 27 ST+ Y
 28 RTN
      XEQ "MIT"            >>>>    " A^B"
  1 ENTER 3   R/S       >>>>     " FNAME?"

         T   R/S      >>>>      " UV1 NAME?"
         U   R/S     >>>>      " UV2 NAME?"
         V   R/S     >>>>      " UV3 NAME?"
         W   R/S     >>>>     " UV4NAME?"      press  R/S   without any entry when all function names have been keyed in

                R/S     >>>>     " N=?"                    ( number of sub-intervals )  let's try     n = 1

           1   R/S     >>>>       I = 160.4523151 = R24                                        ---Execution time = 2m59s---

-To recalculate I with another n-value, key in this value and press  R/S or XEQ 10

  for example,

    with  n = 2     2   R/S   >>>>   160.6314953
    and   n = 4     4   R/S   >>>>   160.6342731


-If n is multiplied by 2, execution time is approximately multiplied by 16 for quadruple integrals , by 64 for sextuple integrals.
-We can use Lagrange interpolation formula to improve our results by extrapolation to the limit.
-In this example, we find  I = 160.6343171

Multiple Integrals with all borns of integration -1+1

-Again Gauss-Legendre 3-point formula to estimate

    §-1+1 §-1+1 .......................... §-1+1   f(x1,x2,....;xn)  dx1dx2....dxn

Data Registers:       •  R00 = n =  number of  §                                   ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MIT1" )

                                     R01 = x1 ,  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  Rnn = xn      Rn+1 ..... R2n:  counters    R2n+1 to R2n+6: temp

Flags: /
Subroutine:  A program  LBL "T"  to compute f(x1,x2,....;xn) assuming  x1 is in R01 , x2 is in R02 , ........
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             /             I

Example:     Evaluate     I  =  §-11  §-11  §-11  §-11   Ln ( PI^2 + x + y + z + t )  dx dy dz dt
 01 LBL "T"
 02 PI
 03 X^2
 04 RCL 01
 05 RCL 02
 06 RCL 03
 07 +
 08 +
 09 +
 10 RCL 04
 11 +
 12 LN
 13 RTN

   4  STO 00   XEQ "MIT1"  >>>>  I = 36.51975046                             ---Execution time = 4m26s---


-If the endpoints are different from -1 +1, make a linear change of argument.

-The intervals of integration cannot be divided, so the precision will remain low in most cases.

-The number of § is only limited by the memory
-Practically, due to execution time, it would be difficult to evaluate centuple integrals...

Integration on the Surface of a Sphere

 "ISSPH" employs one of the formulae given in reference [7] to estimate

      I = §§x^2+y^2+z^2=R^2    f(x,y,z)  ds    where ds is the element of surface on a sphere

Data Registers:           •  R00 = function name                                      ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "ISSPH" )

                                         R01 = Integral   R02 = R   R03 to R08: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  A program that takes x , y , z in registers  X , Y , Z  respectively and returns  f(x,y,z) in X-register.
      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             R       Integral

    where R = radius of the sphere

Example:    I = §§x^2+y^2+z^2=R^2    Ln ( 16 + x3 + y2 + z )  dx dy dz     with  R = 2
 01 LBL "T"
 02 X^3
 03 X<>Y
 04 X^2
 05 +
 06 +
 07 16
 08 +
 09 LN
 10 RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

   2   XEQ "ISSPH"  >>>>  I = 142.2311076                                         ---Execution time = 79s---


-Exact result = 142.231086....
-The formula is exact if f is a polynomial and deg f < 14

Norm of a 3D-Vector

-Just a short M-Code routine to calculate the norm of a 3D-vector in the stack
      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             z             z
           Y             y             y
           X             x   sqrt(x2+y2+z2)
           L             /            x

Example:     V(3,4,5)

  5  ENTER^
  4  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "NORM"  >>>  7.071067812


-There is no check for alpha data.

2 M-code Routines

 X^3  takes x and returns x^3 in X-register. x is saved in L-register
 X/3   replaces x by X/3 in X-register. L-register is unchanged.

 No check for alpha data.


[1]  Abramowitz and Stegun - "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" -  Dover Publications -  ISBN  0-486-61272-4
[4]  Ron Goldman - "Curvature formulas for implicit curves and surfaces"
[5]  J.C. Butcher  - "The Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations" - John Wiley & Sons  -   ISBN  0-471-91046-5
[6]  F. Scheid -  "Numerical Analysis" - Mc Graw Hill   ISBN 07-055197-9
[7]  Z. P. Bazant - "Efficient Numerical Integration on the Surface of a Sphere"